If you are concerned that you may have the cancer, you need to know more about the treatment options available for your condition. Your doctor will explain the types of treatments available, their side effects, and how they will impact your life. It is also important to make friends and family members aware of your condition so they can be a support system. During this challenging time, you will need to be strong for your loved ones.
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Esthesioneuroblastoma is a tumor that starts in the nose and spreads to the other organ systems. Because it is in the face, it can mimic a benign inflammatory or infectious disease. Often, the first signs of the tumor are pain or nasal blockage. Patients with these symptoms may not seek medical attention until they start to develop more serious symptoms. In these cases, doctors will refer the patient to a neurologist for further testing.
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Patients with esthesioneuroblastoma may experience difficulty breathing through their nose. Occasionally, the tumor will block one or both nostrils and spread to the sinuses. These patients may think they are suffering from a sinus infection and think they are having a cold. If the congestion is continuous, they should seek medical attention. Some patients with these symptoms may experience nasal bleeding or mucus.
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Aside from the symptoms mentioned above, patients with esthesioneuroblastoma may have trouble breathing through the nose. This is because the tumor blocks the nasal passage and damages the olfactory nerves. Those patients may experience chronic nasal blockage that is difficult to relieve or even cure. Because the patient is not aware of the condition, they may not seek medical attention until the symptoms become worse. If the congestion is chronic and does not clear up within a few weeks, it is time to consult a neurologist for a more precise diagnosis.
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The most common symptom of esthesioneuroblastoma is a blockage of one or both nostrils. This tumor can also spread to the sinuses, which can cause pain and pressure. Therefore, if the nostrils are blocked, you should visit your doctor immediately. If you have bleeding in the nose, you should also visit your doctor. The symptom of anosmia may be accompanied by blood in the sinuses.
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Another symptom of esthesioneuroblastoma is loss of smell. The tumor may block one or both nostrils and spread to the sinuses. A blocked nose can cause severe pain, pressure, and bleeding. These symptoms are the primary warning signs that your doctor needs to treat your esthesioneuroblastoma. If you notice any of these symptoms, you should seek medical attention immediately.
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Moreover, a patient with esthesioneuroblastoma may experience difficulties breathing through the nose. The tumor can block one or both nostrils and spread to the sinuses. Consequently, patients with this condition may experience chronic nasal congestion on one side. They may not seek medical treatment until their symptoms become more severe. If these symptoms continue, the doctor may refer the patient to a neurologist to confirm the diagnosis.
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Another common sign of esthesioneuroblastoma is loss of smell. The tumor may block the nose or spread to the sinuses, causing a blockage. This symptom may be mistaken for a sinus infection, but should be taken seriously. A doctor may refer a patient for intranasal biopsy if the nasal obstruction persists for longer than a month.
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Other symptoms of esthesioneuroblastoma include difficulty breathing through the nose. The tumor may block one or both nostrils and spread to the sinuses. The patient may think that they are suffering from a sinus infection, but the pain they experience is actually a tumor. If the tumor spreads to the sinuses, the patient may not be able to breathe through the nose.
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Frequent nosebleeds are a common symptom of esthesioneuroma. These bleeding episodes may occur even at the early stages of the disease. If you have any of these symptoms, you should see your doctor for a thorough evaluation. You should also avoid smoking or drinking alcohol. The symptoms of this cancer can make your life difficult. If your esthesioneuroblastoma is in your nose, you should undergo surgery and chemotherapy to prevent the tumor from spreading to other parts of your body.