Having any of these symptoms may alert you to possible esthesioneuroblastoma, a cancer that grows in the eye. These warning signs are common to any type of cancer, and they should not be ignored. If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, your next step is to seek medical attention. Listed below are some of the most common warning signs associated with this type of tumor.
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Loss of smell: A common symptom of esthesioneuroblastoma is loss of smell. The tumor can block the nasal passage, causing a person to not be able to smell anything. The patient may also suffer from eye, ear, and sinus pain. A diagnosis of esthesioneuroblastoms is usually made through a biopsy by an otolaryngologist. The doctor may perform additional tests, including a CT or MRI, to confirm the diagnosis.
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Patients with esthesioneuroblastoma may experience nasal obstruction or nosebleeds. The tumor may also affect a patient's sense of smell, causing pain and discomfort. Besides pain and bleeding in the nose, patients with this disease may also have nausea or vision problems. A biopsy is the best way to confirm a diagnosis. It is an important part of the treatment process, since accurate testing is necessary to distinguish esthesioneuroblastoma from other types of tumors.
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The most common symptom of esthesioneuroblastoma is difficulty in breathing through the nose. The tumor may block one or both nostrils or spread to the sinuses. During a tumor's growth, it may also block the air passage, causing pain in the face and neck. If the obstruction persists or becomes more severe, it is time to seek medical attention. Your doctor might refer you to a neurologist for further evaluation.
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Another common symptom of esthesioneuroblastoma is a loss of smell. If the tumor has spread to the nasal cavity, patients may experience pain in their ear, eye, and nose. Moreover, they may also experience chronic congestion in one or both nostrils. These symptoms should not be ignored because they may only be symptoms of a sinus infection. Hence, a thorough examination of the patient's nose is the best way to diagnose the condition.
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As the disease is slow-growing, it can cause significant problems with the eyes. Eighty percent of patients with this type of tumor have the tumor outside of the nose when they are diagnosed. Other symptoms include eye and ear pain, and loss of smell. Once you've found a tumor in your nose, your doctor will be able to determine whether it's cancer. If it's in your eyes, you'll need to undergo further tests to confirm the diagnosis.
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Those with this condition often have a difficult time breathing through their nose. If the tumor blocks one or both nostrils, it can block the entire nose. A blocked nose can cause pressure and pain, and it can affect a patient's ability to smell. Besides pain and nasal obstruction, patients can also experience changes in their sense of smell and vision. A doctor can conduct a thorough examination of the nose and examine the tumor to determine whether it's cancer.
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Frequent nosebleeds are another common symptom of esthesioneuroblastoma. A tumor may block one or both nostrils. In addition, it may spread to the sinuses. A blocked nose will result in frequent bleeding in the nose. When this happens, it's time to seek medical attention. This disease has similar symptoms to other types of cancer, and you need to consult a doctor if you suspect that you have this condition.
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The most common symptom of esthesioneuroblastoma is a blocked nose. The tumor may block one or both of the nostrils. If the tumor is positioned near the nasal cavity, it may also block the olfactory nerves. Your doctor will perform an endoscopic examination to confirm the presence of the tumor. You'll need a biopsy in order to rule out another type of cancer.
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The tumor is red and grows rapidly in the upper nasal cavity. It bleeds easily and can be difficult to remove with instrumentation. It is similar to benign nasal polyps, but is very different from other malignancies of the nose. If left untreated, it can spread to other parts of the body, including the lymph nodes and the lungs. The survival rate is 80% if it is detected at an early stage.