If you have ethesioneuroblastoma symptoms, you may want to seek medical attention as soon as possible. This type of cancer is slow-growing and is often accompanied by symptoms such as pain in the ears and nose, a loss of smell and vision, and severe headaches. The best way to determine whether you have the disease is to visit your physician. A biopsy from your doctor will be necessary to make a proper diagnosis. CT and MRI tests are also useful in diagnosing the disease.
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A biopsy is a process in which a sample of the tumor is removed for pathological analysis and testing. This procedure may require inserting special instruments through your nose, although it can be done in the office as well. Since esthesioneuroblastoma is extremely rare, accurate testing is important to distinguish it from other cancers. Besides the appearance of the tumor, it also helps determine its aggressiveness.
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In addition to an exam, a doctor may use an endoscope to visualize your disease. This procedure involves the insertion of a thin, flexible tube called an endoscope. A camera attached to the endoscope enables the doctor to see inside your sinuses, back of the nose, and inside your sinuses. Imaging tests can also be used to determine the location and size of the tumor and whether it has spread.
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The doctor may perform an endoscopic examination (also known as a video endoscopy) to see what is causing your tumor. The doctor will insert the endoscope into your nose and attach a camera to allow them to look at the back of your nose and sinuses. The doctor will also use imaging tests to see if the tumor has spread. If it has, he or she will recommend treatment for you.
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It is important to know all of the symptoms of the disease before you decide on the course of treatment. It is essential to know everything about your cancer so that you can make the best decisions for your own health. You should also ask your doctor to tell you the type of tumor you have, its grade, and whether it has spread. You can also talk to other people who have had cancer and share your experiences. These people may be able to give you support and advice.
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In early stages, the disease may mimic other causes of nasal obstruction. Typically, the symptoms will not be obvious to the undiagnosed patient until a biopsy is performed. However, you should keep in mind that the disease may not have spread to other parts of the body. When the symptoms are present, you should consult with your doctor as soon as possible. If the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, you should seek the appropriate treatment.
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It is important to get help as soon as possible. The first step is to talk to a good listener or clergy member. This person can help you to make decisions regarding your cancer treatment. It is also crucial to keep family and friends close. These people can be a vital support during this time. The last thing you need is to suffer alone. You need to be strong. If you are dealing with this cancer, remember to seek the right medical attention.
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If you are worried about your symptoms, you should consult a doctor immediately. Your doctor should have an in-depth knowledge of the tumor. He or she may suggest an endoscopic examination to diagnose the disease. This procedure involves a thin, flexible tube called an endoscope. The camera attached to the endoscope allows your doctor to see the inside of your nose, sinuses, and the back of your nose. An imaging test may also be necessary to determine the extent of the tumor.
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Your doctor can also perform a biopsy to determine whether you have the disease. The doctor will take a tissue sample for testing and will analyze it for signs of tumor growth. This procedure can be done in the doctor's office or in the hospital. Your doctor will want to rule out other types of cancer before performing this type of test, as they are often similar in appearance. It is best to talk to a priest or a counselor before the biopsy.