If you've been diagnosed with esthesioneuroblastoma, the first thing to do is to find out as much as possible about the condition. Your doctor will want to know everything about the cancer, including its type and grade. They'll also be able to recommend a source of up-to-date information on treatments for your particular type of tumor. While it may be difficult to talk to people in your same situation, it can be extremely encouraging to share your experience with others who have gone through the same thing. Your physician can help you find a support group for people affected by cancer.
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Your doctor will want to determine whether your cancer has spread. Your doctor may recommend undergoing an endoscopic examination. This type of exam is done using a thin flexible tube called an endoscope. This allows your doctor to look inside your nose, back of the nose, sinus area, and other areas. If your condition is still causing your pain, your doctor may recommend a course of chemotherapy.
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In addition to the treatment of your cancer, you'll want to find out how to cope with the symptoms. You'll want to avoid stress and anxiety. Make sure you keep close family and friends close. Having someone to talk to about your condition can be very helpful. You'll likely receive offers of help from friends and family. If you're interested in finding a support group, you can learn about resources through the American Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute.
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A diagnosis of ethesioneuroblastoma requires a biopsy. Your doctor may also perform CT scans and MRI tests to assess the extent of the tumor. Once the biopsy is completed, your doctor can perform chemotherapy. If this is not enough, he can also do a follow-up MRI. However, this will require a larger amount of surgery than a surgery.
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The most important thing is to talk with people with the disease. You can talk with them and get advice from them. They will be more likely to understand your situation and be more understanding of your symptoms. This way, your doctor can make the right decisions for you. They will also be able to give you more information about the condition. When you talk with other people with the disease, you can also be reassured.
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Your doctor can diagnose your disease through various methods. A biopsy of the tumor is performed to determine its location. The tumor is often located near the nasal passages. Your doctor can use ultrasound to examine the lymph nodes. In addition, MRIs may be used to assess the tumor's location. A biopsy will also be used to confirm the diagnosis. Usually, a biopsy will be necessary. Other tests may be needed to rule out other potential causes of the illness.
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A doctor may use an endoscope to detect the tumor. This type of endoscope is inserted through the nose and is attached to a camera. The camera allows doctors to see the interior of the nose and back of the sinuses. Imaging tests can also be used to determine the extent of the tumor. They may also perform an MRI to identify any signs of radiation in the area.
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Your doctor may also perform an endoscopy to evaluate the extent of the tumor. This procedure involves inserting a thin flexible tube called an endoscope. The endoscope contains a camera. During the endoscopy, the doctor can see the inside of the back of the nose and the sinus area. In addition to the endoscopy, your doctor will order imaging tests to determine the extent of the tumor.
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There are several ways to detect the disease. A doctor may conduct an endoscopic examination, which involves inserting a thin, flexible tube called an endoscope into the nose. The camera allows doctors to see the tumor in its entirety. An endoscopic procedure is done when the tumor is too large or has spread to nearby structures. During an endoscopy, the doctor will use a small incision to remove the tumor and perform an MRI.
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Upon examination, the doctor will perform a biopsy. A biopsy is a sample of the tumor tissue. It can be performed in the doctor's office or at a hospital. Because esthesioneuroblastoma is a rare type of tumor, accurate testing is necessary to distinguish it from other types. If you notice a suspicious growth, you should consult your doctor immediately.