Esthesioneuroblastoma is a form of cancer affecting the ethmoid bones. Patients can develop the disease in the nose or in other body parts. This form of tumor can also spread to the parotid glands or lymph nodes in the neck. It is often treated through surgery. Chemotherapy or radiation is also commonly used. This cancer is not contagious, but patients with the disease should keep their family and friends close to them. They can provide an important support system during their illness.
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One of the most common symptoms of esthesioneuroblastoma is loss of sense of smell. This can happen because the tumor blocks the nasal passage or damages the olfactory nerves. Another common symptom of this cancer is chronic congestion on one side of the nose. People with these symptoms may not seek medical treatment until they experience more severe symptoms. If they experience persistent or recurring nasal congestion, they should consult with a doctor right away.
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As soon as the cancer has spread to the olfactory system, it may cause symptoms such as hearing loss. These can include the loss of smell or hearing. The tumor can also damage the olfactory nerves. These symptoms are common enough that many patients may never seek medical attention. For those with more serious symptoms, the National Cancer Institute or the American Cancer Society can provide information on support groups and programs.
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One of the most common signs of esthesioneuroblastoma is loss of smell. When a tumor blocks the nose, it can interfere with the nasal passage, affecting the olfactory nerves. However, patients suffering from these symptoms may not seek medical attention until the symptoms become more severe. If symptoms are a frequent occurrence, their doctors might refer them to a neurologist to make sure that they are not suffering from other illnesses.
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Vision loss is another common symptom of this condition. This symptom is often accompanied by eye pain. In addition to pain, patients may also experience headaches. They may have a bulging eye or nose. If these symptoms persist, they should seek medical attention. Eventually, they will experience other manifestations of the disease. A doctor will perform a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. A surgical treatment will not be necessary, but it will help patients avoid other complications.
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Initially, the symptoms of this disease may be atypical. They are similar to those of other types of cancer. In some cases, the tumor may be in the nose, and patients may experience pain in the ear or elsewhere. If you have symptoms like these, it is important to see a neurologist. In some cases, this can lead to a delayed diagnosis. In some cases, a biopsy will be required to confirm the diagnosis.
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In addition to eye pain, patients may also experience vision loss if the tumor has spread to the eyes. This is usually accompanied by eye pain. In some cases, the tumor may grow behind the eye. When a person experiences sudden pain in their eyes, it is important to visit a doctor immediately. Symptoms of this disease must be evaluated by a physician for proper treatment. There is no cure for the cancer, but it can help the patient overcome the challenges of this cancer.
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As the cancer progresses, the symptoms of this disease may increase. In fact, a doctor may mistake esthesioneuroblastoma as another cancer because of the symptoms. The symptoms of this cancer vary, but they can be a good indication of a diagnosis. When the disease has spread, the patient may experience pain that is unlike other types of pain. The condition can also be misdiagnosed as another type of cancer, so it is important to seek treatment as soon as possible.
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The most common symptom of esthesioneuroblastoma is loss of sight. The affected person may experience pain in the nose, which is accompanied by a headache. A doctor may also detect tumors through an endoscopic examination. The diagnosis can be confirmed if it spreads to other parts of the body. It is important to consult a doctor if you are experiencing any of these symptoms.