If you notice any of these symptoms, it's probably time to see a doctor. The first step is to determine whether you have Ewing sarcoma. Some symptoms may look like other medical conditions or problems, so it's important to consult with a doctor. If you think you have this condition, be sure to discuss the symptoms with your doctor. In addition, you should be aware that the symptoms of this disease may mimic those of other types of cancer.
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The first step in the diagnosis process is to collect tissue from the affected area. Your physician will examine the samples under a microscope. Other tests may be necessary, including a bone marrow aspiration/biopsy. A biopsy of the tumor can also be done, although the results are not always conclusive. Oftentimes, a genetic test is required to differentiate Ewing sarcoma from other cancers.
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Treatment for Ewing sarcoma begins with chemotherapy. This treatment is designed to shrink the primary tumor and prevent potential lung metastasis. It is also important to note that the symptoms of this disease can also be caused by other health problems, so it is important to see a healthcare provider to determine whether you have an Ewing sarcoma tumor or a different condition. You should also be aware of the symptoms of other diseases that are similar to this type.
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Diagnostic testing for Ewing sarcoma consists of a combination of diagnostic tests. X-rays are used to determine if your child has a tumor or not. CT scans are used to study bones and soft tissues. These tests also measure the level of lactate dehydrogenase in the body, which is an enzyme that can be harmful to your health. During this process, you will be evaluated for the presence of these signs and symptoms.
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A biopsy will be performed to diagnose Ewing sarcoma. The biopsy will include removing a piece of tissue from the tumor and examining it under a microscope. Similarly, a bone marrow aspiration/biopsy is a procedure in which a sample of the bone marrow is removed. A biopsy of the tumor is important because it helps your doctor determine if the tumor is in the bones and is causing the pain.
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Other symptoms of Ewing sarcoma can be systemic. You may experience a high-grade fever throughout the day, and a lump or swelling in the body may be present. Your doctor can perform a complete blood count to check the hemoglobin levels in your blood. The tumor may not be visible until it is large, so you will need to visit a doctor to check it. You should also seek medical attention if you feel any of the following symptoms:
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If you suspect you have Ewing sarcoma, your doctor will perform several tests to confirm the condition. A computed tomography scan, which is similar to an MRI, uses X-rays to create 3D images. A PET scan uses a radioactive sugar to identify cancer cells. It shows up brighter than normal cells because they use more sugar. If you're not sure, you should consult with a physician.
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While the symptoms of Ewing sarcoma may not be the same as those of other types of cancer, they can often be confused with those of other medical conditions. If you are experiencing these symptoms, you should consult with your doctor immediately. If you feel pain in your chest or back, you're probably suffering from the disease. Despite the fact that this condition can cause you severe pain, it's unlikely that it's caused by a physical disorder.
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The most common symptoms of Ewing sarcoma are pain and fever. The cancer can grow in different parts of the body, and it's important to be aware of the symptoms before you start chemotherapy. It's also important to know that some of the symptoms of this condition may be the same as those of other types of cancer. You can find out more about the disease and its treatment by reading patient testimonials online.
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Depending on where the tumor is located, Ewing sarcoma can affect a child at any age. While symptoms can vary from person to person, they generally include pain in the area where the tumor is located. These symptoms may be worse at night or during exercise, and may be attributed to the growing tumor or a weakened bone. Some of these symptoms may be similar to other common problems a child might have, including fever, but they may also signal a bigger problem.