Your doctor may use imaging scans to determine whether you have Ewing sarcoma. These images can help you understand the location, size, and spread of the tumor. The only way to determine for sure that a tumor is cancer is through a biopsy. Your doctor will take a small piece of the tumor and test it for cancer to determine the exact type of treatment you need. Your doctor will likely order additional tests to find out more about your condition. Your doctors will also use these to decide the stage of the cancer, which will guide your treatment.
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The first symptom of the disease is Ewing sarcoma fever. This can be mistaken for a bacterial infection, and treatment can be aggressive. Antibiotics are used to treat the fever, but the fever doesn't go away after a few weeks. The next symptom of Ewing sarcoma is a lump on the affected part of the body. These lumps may be warm or tender, and the lump may be tender. If the symptoms of Ewing sarcoma aren't apparent, your doctor may recommend further testing to rule out other causes of the disease.
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When determining the cause of Ewing sarcoma, your doctor will examine your child. X-rays are a common way to visualize tumors in the body. They can also show whether the tumor is in a bone or soft tissue. A biopsy will also be necessary to confirm the diagnosis. Your child will be diagnosed with Ewing sarcoma if he or she has one of these symptoms.
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Another symptom of Ewing sarcoma is loss of bladder or bowel control. The loss of control of the bowel and bladder can be mistaken for a toileting regression. Stool may also leak, but you can also experience the same effects. You should seek medical attention immediately. There is no guarantee that you will have the same type of cancer. But it's always best to be safe than sorry.
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If you're experiencing fever, you may have Ewing sarcoma. Most people misdiagnose this condition as an infection. They take antibiotics to clear the infection. The fever, however, usually goes away on its own, but a lump can be present. In addition to the fever, there may be a lump. Often, the tumor is warm and tender. You should visit your doctor immediately if you notice any of these symptoms.
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If you have a tumor on your bone, your doctor will perform a biopsy. A biopsy is the only way to confirm your diagnosis. Your doctor may want to do this to rule out other possible causes of the tumor, but it's important to know that a bone biopsy will be the only reliable way to determine if you have Ewing sarcoma. This procedure is the most accurate way to identify whether you have this cancer.
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If you have any of these symptoms, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. You should also expect fever. A fever can occur without an actual tumor. You may also have a lump on your body. This lump is a sign of Ewing sarcoma. It is a tumor that has spread throughout your body. This is the most common cause of the fever. A doctor will perform a surgery to remove the tumor.
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Your doctor will need to check your bone for Ewing sarcoma. The pain is the most common symptom, and it is usually mild. A person may experience a fever with no other symptoms. Nonetheless, it is crucial to see a doctor to detect this type of cancer. Besides fever, you may also experience a lump in the affected bone. This is indicative of Ewing sarcoma.
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The fever associated with Ewing sarcoma is a sign of the disease. Often, it is mistaken for a fever and treated with antibiotics. Other symptoms include swelling and a lump in the affected bone. The fever may be caused by a tumor. The lump may be painful or it may be warm. The doctor will also order a blood test to confirm the diagnosis. This test is an important part of your treatment.