A person can develop a symptom of an extracranial germ cell tumor when a group of cells called germ cells starts growing abnormally. These tumors are most commonly found in the head, testicles, ovary, and pelvis, though they can also occur in other areas of the body. When a child has an extracranial germ cell cancer, treatment options will depend on the specifics of the disease.
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The most common symptoms are pain and a fever. The disease can be new or recurring. The first stage is completely removed, and the level of tumor markers returns to normal. The second stage is the most serious and requires immediate medical attention. The tumor cells remain in the scrotum, and they can spread to the spermatic cord. In this case, it is important to get a diagnosis quickly to avoid any complications.
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A person's symptoms may vary, depending on the location of the tumor. Most cases are newly diagnosed, but sometimes they recur after surgery. Surgery removes the tumor completely. However, tumor markers do not return to normal after the surgery, and can even increase. Further tests may be required. Afterward, the patient may undergo chemotherapy or radiation. The prognosis for this type of extracranial germ cell tumour is poor.
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A person may experience one or more of these symptoms of an extracranial germ cell tumor. Typically, extracranial germ cell tumors begin in a child's reproductive system and then spread to different parts of the body, including the brain and sacrum. They usually start in the lowest parts of the spinal column and then spread to the spermatic cord. If a child has one of these tumors, the symptoms will be much worse.
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The symptoms of an extracranial germ cell tumor may vary depending on the location of the tumor. In children, extracranial germ cell tumors may be new or recurrent. They may be cancerous or benign. They often occur in the ovaries and testicles, but they may also occur in the brain, mediastinum, retroperitoneum, sacrum, and retroperitoneum. Most often, these germ cell tumors are painful. After surgery, the patient will be diagnosed with a tumor biopsy.
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A doctor will examine the tumor and determine whether it is cancerous. If the cancer cells are present, treatment options will include a combination of chemotherapy and radiation.
A patient may experience extracranial germ cell tumors in both the ovaries and testicles. In cases of stage I, the tumor is removed completely by surgery. In stage II, the cancer cells remain in the scrotum. They can also spread to the spermatic cord and the brain. The treatment for this tumor depends on the type of cancer. If it is malignant, chemotherapy and radiation are the main options. If it is benign, a patient can expect to experience only minor side effects.
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The symptoms of extracranial germ cell tumors depend on where the tumor is located. It may be cancerous or benign. The best way to determine whether an extracranial germ cell tumor is cancerous is to seek medical help right away. It is important to follow up with appointments to see if there are any further changes in the tumor's location. When an exophytic scrotum is found, it is possible to perform surgery to remove it.
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Symptoms of extracranial germ cell tumors include pain, weakness, and seizures. They may also be recurrent, but they are not always malignant. Regardless of the type, a patient should seek medical attention immediately. During their consultation with their doctor, a biopsy may be performed to check for signs of cancer. If the tumor is cancerous, treatment options will include chemotherapy.
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Imaging tests are an important part of a child's evaluation. These tests can provide vital information about the location and size of a germ cell tumor. They can also determine which body parts are affected by it. Ultrasounds may be performed on the ovaries and testicles. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can make detailed pictures of the body. Further, X-rays may be used to diagnose an extracranial germ cell tumor.