A childhood extracranial germ cell tumor develops from developing sperm or egg cells and may be fatal if not treated early. Treatment depends on the location and size of the tumor. Imaging tests are also used to determine which parts of the body are affected. Ultrasound uses sound waves to make pictures of organs and tissues. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) creates detailed pictures of the body. An MRI can also help identify brain tumors and other diseases.
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The treatment for extracranial germ cell tumors varies. Some are standard treatments and some are still in clinical trials. Clinical trials are a way to evaluate new treatments and learn more about them. If they are effective, these new treatments may become standard of care. Fortunately, childhood cancers are not common. But it is important to know about the prognosis of extracranial germ cell tumors.
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The signs and symptoms of childhood extracranial germ cell tumors vary from child to child. The most common symptoms are a lump in the neck, back, or abdomen. Some may experience respiratory distress, chest pain, or unusual vaginal bleeding. Children with extracranial germ cell tumors may also experience a variety of other symptoms. Doctors can diagnose the disease through imaging studies and blood tests. Physical exams are also important in detecting signs and symptoms.
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An MRI scan can detect the spread of cancer cells throughout the body. If a tumor has spread to nearby areas, it is often called a metastatic tumour. Sometimes, a pediatric extracranial germ cell tumor will return to the same location or spread to other parts of the body. If this happens, it is important to take action right away. And remember that a diagnosis of cancer is the first step in the treatment of the condition.
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A doctor may decide to perform a surgery in order to remove the cancer. An MRI will also help diagnose the disease. A biopsy is a common way to remove a tumor. It is important to follow the tumor's progress closely and consult a doctor as soon as it grows. A MRI can also help determine if it has spread to other parts of the body. There are many options for treating an extracranial germ cell tumor in children.
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The most common extracranial germ cell tumor is a mature teratoma. These tumors do not spread from their origin in the brain and can be detected in newborns. Typically, these tumors occur in the sacrum or coccyx and in boys they develop in the testicles during puberty. The cells in a teratoma are similar to normal cell-like under the microscope.
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A pediatric extracranial germ cell tumor is rare and rarely deadly, but it should be carefully diagnosed in order to maximize the chances of a successful outcome. The cancer is not limited to the brain; it can spread throughout the body. The symptoms of an extracranial germ cell tumor can occur in the other areas of the body as well. However, treatment options for these tumours may vary. The disease is not fatal, and it may be treated early if it is detected.
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The most common type of extracranial germ cell tumor is a mature teratoma. These benign tumors are not likely to become cancerous. Often, they are found in the coccyx and sacrum of newborns. In girls, they may develop in the testicles. A biopsy of these tumors will show whether it has spread or not. A biopsy may also reveal if the tumor is a cancer.
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If detected early, a biopsy is required to determine the exact location of the tumor. If the extracranial germ cell tumor is in the scrotum, it will not spread to the spermatic cord. It will not reach the brain unless the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. In cases of stage II, tumor markers may increase. During the second stage, the biopsy will show whether the extracranial germ cell tumor is metastatic.
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A pediatric extracranial germ cell tumor may come back after treatment. It may be in the same location or in other parts of the body. The risk of a recurrence is low and most patients are cured after surgery. Most tumors are benign and are easily removed. Surgical treatment is the most common form of intervention. But it is important to know that the type of surgery used should be suitable for the child's needs.