Symptoms and treatments of extracranial germ cell tumors differ from child to child. Children who have germ cell tumors will need ongoing care, including visits to an oncologist and other health care providers. Imaging tests and other testing will be performed to detect and monitor the disease. Your child will need ongoing treatment and monitoring. Symptoms of germ cell cancer may include trouble eating, extreme fatigue, and headaches. You will want to balance rest and activity and encourage your child to get plenty of exercise.
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Germ cells are cells in the reproductive system. In females, these cells mature to become egg cells and in males, they develop into sperm cells. These cells develop very early in pregnancy and are important for reproduction. However, germ cell tumors can develop into tumors, either malignant or benign. An extracranial germ cell tumour forms outside the brain, typically in the reproductive organs. This type of tumor has few symptoms and does not spread throughout the body.
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Germ cell tumors are usually noncancerous. They may be malignant or benign. A non-cancerous extracranial germ cell tumor does not spread to other parts of the body. In addition, it is rare for an extracranial tumor to spread to the chest or mediastinum. If you have any of the symptoms listed above, you should contact a doctor. He or she will likely be able to prescribe treatment that will address the symptoms and manage the condition.
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Extracranial germ cell tumors can be stage I or stage II. A doctor can perform surgery to remove the tumor completely. After surgery, the level of tumor markers will return to normal. A more aggressive stage can spread to the spermatic cord. Then, the tumor will grow again. The symptoms of extracranial germ cell tumours will increase and the patient will need additional tests to confirm the diagnosis.
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A doctor can perform tests to confirm a diagnosis of extracranial germ cell tumors. If you suspect a tumor, you should schedule a consult with your doctor and discuss the symptoms with your doctor. During this time, you should also seek emotional support for your child. Ensure that your child attends all follow-up appointments. You may also want to consider other treatment options for your child.
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A biopsy is necessary to determine the type of extracranial germ cell tumor. This involves removing a small sample of tissue during surgery. A pathologist will examine the sample under a microscope to determine the type of cancer cells. A biopsy may be required before surgery. It is important to understand the symptoms of germ cell tumors, and be sure to visit a doctor as soon as possible. Even a simple cyst can cause serious complications.
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If your child has symptoms of an extracranial germ cell tumor, the best treatment option will depend on the type of tumor. This cancer is usually benign and will not spread to other parts of the body. Your child will be able to tolerate chemotherapy and follow-up visits. After surgery, you should continue following-up appointments with your child's doctor to monitor the tumor. You should also make sure your child is emotionally stable and gets emotional support from other people.
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If your child experiences these symptoms, your child should see a doctor immediately. It is important to provide emotional support for your child, attend follow-up appointments, and seek out medical attention as soon as possible. It is essential to get regular blood tests and imaging tests to confirm the tumor type. After surgery, the tumor markers will return to normal levels. In both cases, your child should be evaluated for cancer and follow-up procedures.
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Symptoms of extracranial germ cell tumors may include headaches, neck pain, and abnormal growth of the testicles. If your child develops extracranial germ cell tumors, the symptoms should be taken seriously and treatment options should be determined. Parents should seek emotional support for their child and keep regular follow-up appointments. If you notice any of these symptoms, visit a doctor as soon as possible.