The main symptoms of Extracranial Germ Cell Tumors are pain and fever. They can be a sign of an underlying disease and may be caused by the tumor itself. The symptoms of this type of malignancy are often very vague and can vary from case to case. A reputable doctor will be able to give you accurate information about the cancer and how it can be treated. Your child's condition and treatment options will depend on the type of tumor.
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The most common type of extracranial germ cell tumor is called a mature teratoma. These are benign tumors that do not spread to other parts of the body. These tumors usually occur in the ovaries or sacrum of newborns, and in the ovaries of girls in the early stages of puberty. These cells look like normal cells under a microscope, and they may release hormones and enzymes.
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Another type of Extracranial Germ Cell Tumor is known as a gonadotrophoma. The tumors are usually noncancerous and start in the reproductive system. They may be benign or malignant. They commonly start in the sacrum or coccyx, and may even develop in the brain. Symptoms of this type of cancer are similar to those of other types of cancers.
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An extracranial germ cell tumor can be benign or malignant. A benign type will not spread to other parts of the body. If you develop these symptoms, you should see a doctor immediately. You should undergo a biopsy or an MRI to confirm the diagnosis. You should also be aware of the treatment options available to you. When you choose to go ahead with surgery, your physician will provide you with the necessary tests to determine the exact type of cancer.
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A tumor of the extracranial germ cells is a rare type of cancer that usually begins in the testicles and can spread to the liver. Most extracranial germ cell tumors are benign. They do not spread outside the testicles or ovaries. The cancer cells are located in the spermatic cord. A diagnosis of this type of tumor is important because it can cause life-threatening complications.
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When you have an extracranial germ cell tumor, you need ongoing care. You will need to see a doctor regularly. Imaging tests and other tests will be done. You may also need to see a pediatrician or urologist for any issues your child is experiencing. Your child might be very tired or have trouble eating. You should encourage your child to balance activity and rest. If you have symptoms of this type of cancer, you should visit a doctor immediately.
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Mature teratomas are a common type of extracranial germ cell tumor. These tumors are often benign and do not develop into cancer. However, they can be difficult to diagnose and treat. Therefore, it is important to seek medical attention if you notice any of these symptoms. You should also discuss the possible treatment options with your doctor to ensure that your child is receiving the right kind of care.
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If you suspect that your child has a germ cell tumor, it is important to consult your pediatrician as soon as possible. They will monitor your child's health. Your child will need ongoing care. Oncologists will perform imaging tests and check other symptoms. Your child may be tired and have trouble eating. Having a fever or being tired is a sign of an extracranial germ cell tumor.
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Extracranial germ cell tumors can be benign or malignant. In most cases, the tumors are harmless and will not spread to other parts of the body. They can only be detected under a microscope. A biopsy will allow your physician to determine the type of cancer that is present in your body. If you do have a cancerous tumor, you will be treated accordingly. If the extracranial germ cell tumor is benign, it will not spread, but it will affect your reproductive organs.
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An extracranial germ cell tumor can be asymptomatic or can be malignant. Fortunately, it is highly treatable. A diagnosis will depend on the type of tumor and the location. In some cases, the symptoms are inconvenient but not life-threatening. A biopsy can identify the type of cancer and determine its location. Your pediatrician can also help you determine whether it is a malignant or benign tumor.