Children with extracranial germ cell tumors need ongoing treatment for the disease. After the initial diagnosis, the child will have imaging tests to determine the location and size of the tumor. These tests also help the doctor determine if other parts of the body are affected by the cancer. Ultrasound is one type of imaging test, which uses sound waves to create pictures of organs and tissues. Other types of imaging tests include computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging, and MRI.
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During early childhood, germ cells in the reproductive system may develop into a tumor. They mature into egg or sperm cells in males. These cells develop very early during pregnancy, and can be benign or malignant. While most germ cell tumors in young children are benign, they can cause problems during childbirth. During pregnancy, routine ultrasound imaging for the newborn can detect extracranial germ cell tumors. The primary symptoms of extracranial germ cell tumours are fever, vomiting, and abdominal pain.
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An extracranial germ cell tumor can either be benign or malignant. The good news is that in many cases, these tumors do not spread to other parts of the body. Regardless of the type of germ cell tumor, early detection is key. It is important to follow up with a medical professional and receive the proper treatment. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is time to seek medical attention.
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Depending on where the tumor is located, extracranial germ cell tumors may be benign. The majority of these tumors are in the reproductive system, including the ovaries and testicles. The tumors in the brain are known as gonadal germ cell tumors and are often diagnosed in childhood. Typically, treatment options include surgery or chemotherapy. Sometimes, radiation may also be necessary.
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An extracranial germ cell tumor can form in the brain, abdomen, and chest. The two types of extracranial germ cell tumors are gonadal and intracranial. Both types of cancers are classified by location. Most cases begin in the lower parts of the spinal column. When it grows into the brain, extracranial germ cell tumors can become extremely painful. Fortunately, there are treatments for these tumors.
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The symptoms of extracranial germ cell tumors depend on the type of tumor. In children, they can be benign or malignant. Thankfully, the good news is that extracranial germ cell tumors are usually non-dangerous and will not spread. If they do, they will require treatment with chemotherapy. If they're malignant, they'll need to undergo chemotherapy or radiation.
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Extracranial germ cell tumors may be benign or cancerous. Most of them occur in the sacrum and coccyx, but they may also affect the mediastinum, the sacrum, and the mediastinum. They can also cause pain. A germ cell tumor in the coccyx may be malignant. A biopsy can diagnose a germ cell tumor.
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An extracranial germ cell tumor may be benign or malignant. A benign tumor does not spread throughout the body. It can be asymptomatic or cause pain. Its symptoms may be limited to pain, swelling, and discoloration of the skin. Symptoms of extracranial germ cell tumors should be taken seriously and evaluated by a doctor. If the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, it can be deadly.
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Symptoms of extracranial germ cell tumors vary. Several of them are cancerous, but some are benign and some have no symptoms at all. In general, extracranial germ cell tumors are slow-growing and can cause pain, nausea, and vomiting. Most cases are not dangerous, but they should not be overlooked. Parents should seek out follow-up appointments as soon as they notice any changes.
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Most childhood extracranial germ cell tumors are not life-threatening, but they may require chemotherapy and/or surgical resection. They are not cancerous, and most children will outgrow them naturally. If symptoms are present, the child should be evaluated as soon as possible. It is possible that they will continue to develop other forms of cancer. However, some will not develop a tumor, and they will be removed by surgery.