A child with an extracranial germ cell tumor may experience the following symptoms: headaches, nausea, and vomiting. The condition can be malignant or benign. The latter type of germ cell tumor does not spread to other parts of the body. However, symptoms should not be ignored. In order to find the best treatment options, you should consult a physician. Your pediatrician will discuss all the options available.
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Extracranial germ cell tumors are cancers of the egg or sperm cells. These cells travel outside the brain and to other parts of the body. In children, these tumors often begin in the sacrum and coccyx. In older children, the condition can also appear in the mediastinum and ovaries. Regardless of location, symptoms of an extracranial germ cell tumour are similar to those of other types of brain cancer.
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In children, extracranial germ cell tumors start in the reproductive system, and then spread to other parts. They may be found in the ovaries, testicles, and the brain, but can also occur in other areas of the body. Once they reach the brain, extracranial germ cell tumors may spread throughout the body, including the lungs and sacrum. Fortunately, extracranial germ cell tumors are relatively rare in children.
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If a child experiences extracranial germ cell tumor symptoms, it's important to know what the symptoms are. You must be sure that your child has undergone proper testing for the condition. It's important for him to be examined regularly by a pediatrician. Moreover, you must ensure that your child attends follow-up appointments with his or her pediatrician. If the tumor is malignant, treatment will be aimed at removing the tumor as quickly as possible.
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Early detection is important for your child's health. If you've noticed any of these symptoms, consult a doctor for a full examination. An extracranial germ cell tumor is a tumor that originates in a child's reproductive system. It may also affect the sacrum, mediastinum, and ovaries. The coccyx, sacrum, and ovaries may be affected.
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Additional tests can help identify extracranial germ cell tumor symptoms. These tests will show the location of the tumor and its size. Imaging tests will also show if your child has any affected parts. Ultrasounds and CT scans can help diagnose this condition. A biopsy and imaging tests may be required. If the disease has spread to other parts of the body, treatment may be needed. It may include surgery and chemotherapy.
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A doctor will recommend treatment options to your child. A biopsy is necessary to confirm the diagnosis. The doctor will also examine your child's lungs to make sure the tumor is affecting the brain. A doctor will recommend treatment options that are right for your child. You'll want to see him/her regularly for follow-up visits. You'll want to discuss the symptoms with him/her and get emotional support for your child.
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If your child has a symptom of extracranial germ cell tumor, you should seek medical attention immediately. A biopsy will help your child understand the cause of the tumor. If your child has the symptoms of this condition, the tumor may have spread to other parts of the body. If the symptoms are detected early, they should be treated right away. A surgical procedure is often needed to remove the tumor.
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An extracranial germ cell tumor can be benign or malignant. It can be detected through blood tests, imaging tests, and other testing. In most cases, a surgeon will remove the tumor completely. After surgery, the levels of tumor markers may increase, but they should be monitored carefully. If they are, the tumor can spread to other parts of the body. This type of cancer is called a gonadal germ cell tumor.
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The primary treatment for an extracranial germ cell tumor is chemotherapy. But if the symptoms are not recognizable, an initial biopsy can be a useful way to diagnose the condition. Patients should seek medical attention to determine whether the tumor is benign or malignant. This tumor can also spread to the lung. This is known as a metastatic disease. The cancer cells will need to be removed in order to treat it.