The early symptoms of a GI carcinoid tumor are generally unnoticeable, although some patients may experience severe abdominal pain, diarrhea, or even vomiting. If you experience these symptoms, you should contact a doctor immediately. In some cases, the cancer may have spread to the liver, causing a potentially life-threatening situation. In most cases, there are no obvious signs and symptoms of a GI carcinoi-d tumor.
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Most patients who have a gastrointestinal carcinoid tumor do not display any symptoms during its early stages. However, some may experience painful symptoms, including fever, abdominal pain, and constipation. Other symptoms may include chest pain and wheezing, redness of the face or neck, or anemia. If you experience any of these symptoms, talk to your doctor and undergo tests and treatments.
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Gastrointestinal carcinoid tumor symptoms depend on the location of the tumor. In the early stages, the tumor does not cause any symptoms. However, if it grows in a location other than the digestive tract, it can produce hormones that cause stomach ulcers. A severe case can be fatal, and you should seek immediate medical care. You may also experience fever, diarrhea, and loss of appetite.
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The first symptom of a gastrointestinal carcinoid tumor is a stomach ulcer. A stomach ulcer is a sign that a tumor has formed in the lining of the digestive tract. If you experience an abdominal ulcer, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics. During treatment, your doctor may prescribe painkillers, including ibuprofen, which will help to control your symptoms.
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The symptoms of a gastrointestinal carcinoid tumor vary depending on the location of the tumor. They often begin in the stomach lining, so they are not apparent in the early stages. A patient will experience fever and loss of appetite. Some patients will experience abdominal pain and anemia. The GI tumor may also cause a rash and dark-colored stools. These symptoms are usually related to the location of the tumor.
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The earliest gastrointestinal carcinoid tumor symptoms include gastric ulceration, which can occur in the stomach or appendix. A gastric tumor is a symptom of cancer of the stomach lining. It may be present on the stomach or appendix. It is rare for a gastric cancer to cause any other signs. In many cases, a GI carcinoid tumor is found during a routine test or treatment for a different ailment.
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The early symptoms of a carcinoid tumor are usually non-existent. Symptoms may include nausea, stomach pain, and a rash. It is not uncommon for a carcinoid tumor to lead to abdominal bleeding. If you have any of these symptoms, you should contact a doctor for further testing. It is important to seek a diagnosis as soon as possible as early signs may indicate a GI tumor.
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The first gastrointestinal carcinoid tumor symptom is gastric ulceration. The lining of the stomach is very sensitive, and excess release of hormones may irritate the digestive system, causing gastric ulcers. In severe cases, patients may experience vomiting and loss of appetite. Sometimes, the symptoms can include abdominal pain, a fever, and thrombocytopenia.
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Symptoms of a GI carcinoid tumor include abdominal pain, a rash, and facial flushing. In some cases, the tumor may also cause blockages and interfere with normal digestion. It can also release hormone-like substances into the bloodstream, which can lead to the symptoms of carcinoid syndrome. While it is rare for a gastric carcinoid tumor to cause symptoms, there are some common signs of a tumor.
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Symptoms of a GI carcinoid tumor may include bloating, abdominal pain, and stomach pain. The condition is characterized by atypical symptoms. In some cases, GI carcinoid tumor symptoms may be hard to detect. Fortunately, a GI carcinoid tumor is easily treated and can even be treated with minimal side effects. It is important to consult with a doctor right away to determine the severity of your condition.
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GI carcinoid tumor symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, fever, and abdominal pain. Some people may experience an appendix tumor, which causes a similar set of symptoms. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is important to contact a doctor to determine if you have a GI carcinoid tumor. This will help you to get the proper diagnosis and treatment.