Most people with HCC show no symptoms. However, some may develop mild to moderate pain in the upper abdomen, unintended weight loss, or a palpable mass. Diarrhea and fever are rare in this condition, but can occur later in the disease. The symptoms of HCC indicate the presence of advanced disease and the spread of the cancer. They may also include bleeding from the stomach and esophagus.
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Patients with hepatitis often experience abnormal bruising and bleeding. They also experience enlarged veins on their belly and change in lab test results. If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, it is important to see your doctor. You should also have regular blood tests and follow your doctor's orders to get a proper diagnosis. Hepatitis is an inflammatory disease of the liver, and it can result in the development of cirrhosis and cancer.
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Hepatitis can be detected with a simple blood test known as a Markerii Tumor Ali Serici (MTUS). AFP levels are associated with a variety of cancers, and elevated levels can indicate hepatitis. Your doctor will also order tests to measure the functions of your hepatocytes. Hepatocellular Cancer symptoms are often accompanied by pain or fatigue. The patient will experience changes in his or her lab results.
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Hepatitis can be a serious health problem. While some of the hepatitis symptoms may not be life-threatening, you should consult your physician to determine whether they are related to hepatitis. You should also seek treatment as soon as possible. It is important to get support from loved ones and seek support groups to cope with the condition. If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, you should talk to a doctor about your condition. The American Cancer Society is a great place to begin your research.
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The American Cancer Society is a great resource for information on hepatocellular cancer. There are support groups and clinical trials that are available for those who are suffering from this condition. The American Association for the Study of Liver Pathology (AUC) has published a guide that lists all studies on hepatocellular cancer. The site also includes information about hepatocellular cancer, its causes, and symptoms.
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Other symptoms of hepatocellular cancer include enlarged veins in the belly. They may also be noticeable through the skin. If you have cirrhosis, your doctor may suggest blood tests to diagnose the disease. If you have a family history of hepatocellular cancer, it is helpful to talk to them. Find support groups for hepatitis and ask questions about symptoms. They will be able to provide you with information about hepatitis and how to cope with the disease.
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People who have chronic hepatitis may feel tired and bloated and may have enlarged veins on their belly. Some people may also experience abnormal bruising and bleeding. The blood tests of people with cirrhosis can be helpful in identifying the disease and its symptoms. If you are suffering from hepatocellular cancer, you will need to talk to your doctor. You might need to have a biopsy or a liver transplant.
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The American Cancer Society offers a comprehensive list of the symptoms of hepatitis. They can help you find a support group or find a doctor. If you are feeling worse than normal, your doctor may recommend that you get tested for hepatitis C. Your doctor may also recommend testing for alfa-fetoproteina AFP. Hepatocellular cancer symptoms can be painful and affecting your quality of life.
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Hepatitis C and B infections can cause hepatitis C, which can be passed through blood. These diseases can cause cirrhosis, which is when the liver cells become damaged and replaced with scar tissue. Alcohol and certain drugs may cause cirrhosis. They can cause a range of other symptoms, including hepatitis-related hepatitis. The American Cancer Society's website also lists resources and support groups for people with hepatitis.
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Symptoms of hepatitis C include abdominal pain, nausea, and fatigue. Some patients with hepatitis C do not experience any of these symptoms. Although many patients with hepatitis C don't experience early signs, they may experience abdominal pain, fatigue, jaundice, and vomiting. If you have liver cancer, you should avoid alcohol and other drugs that cause hepatitis.