Hepatocellular Cancer (HCC) can be difficult to detect at an early stage, since it does not cause any visible symptoms. While most people do not experience any noticeable HCC symptoms, a few people do experience liver cirrhosis. This disease is difficult to control once it develops, but treatment is available. Here are the symptoms to watch for. If you think that you have HCC, it's important to seek medical attention.
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There are many symptomatic signs and symptoms that can alert you to the disease. The first one is liver decompensation, which is a sign that the liver is not able to properly compensate. These include fluid buildup in the abdomen and spleen, portal hypertension, and yellowing of skin and mucous membranes. You may also experience jaundice, which is when the skin and eyes appear yellow or turn brown.
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Other symptoms of Hepatocellular Cancer include abdominal pain, weight loss, fever, and jaundice. These can lead to serious complications, such as cirrhosis or death. You should visit a doctor immediately to determine if you have the disease. Although the symptoms of Hepatocellular Carcinoma are usually vague and do not appear until the later stages, it is crucial to seek medical advice as soon as possible to determine the cause and the best treatment options.
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If you have been diagnosed with hepatocellular cancer, the American Cancer Society can help you find a specialist in your area. They can provide information about support groups and clinical trials. Some of these trials test new medicines and allow you to try them out firsthand. These trials are also an excellent way to learn about new treatment for hepatocellular cancer. When you visit a doctor, it's important to ask about any other symptoms.
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Hepatocellular Cancer is a form of cancer that affects the liver. Most cases of this type of cancer occur in men and women, and are diagnosed in people who are 50 or older. Hepatocellular cancer is not the same as metastatic liver cancer, which occurs in other organs and spreads to the liver. If you have chronic hepatitis B or C, you are at risk for hepatocellular carcinoma.
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Other symptoms to watch for include a slow or erratic appetite, nausea, and vomiting. Hepatiocellular cancer is the most common cancer among adults in the United States. Most people with hepatiocellular cancer have many small clusters of cancer cells in the liver, which are called nodules. Rare types of liver cancer are not usually noticeable until the disease has spread throughout the liver. This disease often occurs in people who have a history of chronic hepatitis.
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The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) offers information about hepatocellular cancer and supports people living with this disease. It also provides information about support groups and clinical trials. This type of cancer is the most common type of liver cancer in Americans. While it is rare, it is still dangerous. Hepatitis B and C is a leading cause of cancer, and should be treated promptly. There are several other symptoms to watch for.
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The most common symptom is the swollen and painful abdomen. A swollen spleen and abnormally large liver are two signs of hepatitis. A liver that is enlarged is a sign of hepatitis. Those who have cirrhosis are at increased risk of developing the disease. It is common to drink alcohol and use certain drugs, but it is not fatal without medical attention.
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Some people already have cirrhosis and do not show any of these symptoms, but they should be tested. Symptoms of Hepatocellular Cancer vary widely, but you can consult your doctor if you think you are experiencing any of these signs. Hepatitis is a disease that affects the liver and can be fatal. If you suspect that you are at risk of developing the disease, it is imperative to get immediate medical attention. You may be suffering from hepatitis and other complications as a result.
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Hepatocellular cancer symptoms can be a sign of a broader range of symptoms. You may experience some or all of these symptoms, depending on the extent of your disease. If your liver is enlarged or has several spots, you may have hepatitis. If your liver has scarring, it may be a sign of hepatitis. A functional intestine is a sign of hepatitis, so the condition is usually treatable.