People with Hodgkin lymphoma may notice any of the following symptoms: swelling of the nodes in the neck, armpits, groin, or thigh. While the swelling is usually painless, enlarged lymph nodes can be painful and may be an indication of this disease. The American Cancer Society has more information on the different symptoms and what to do if you notice them.
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The most common Hodgkin lymphoma symptoms are difficulty breathing, coughing, and swelling of the face and neck. The disease can also cause other problems, such as fatigue, night sweats, infection, and poor appetite. Although most people with the disease will recover from the disease, about 30% will experience a relapse after initial treatment. Typically, doctors suspect lymphoma when they see swollen lymph nodes in the body. A biopsy of the node can be done to check for cancer cells. This may involve removing a needle from the lymph node and removing it.
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Other symptoms include a throbbing headache, fatigue, aching, and swelling of the face and neck. The patient may also suffer from frequent infections and night sweats. There are no specific Hodgkin lymphoma symptoms, but many patients will experience some of these. If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately for a consultation. A diagnosis will be made by a physician who can determine the exact cause of your condition.
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The most common symptom of Hodgkin lymphoma is swelling of the lymph glands. These are tiny lumps of tissue that contain white blood cells. They may swell when they are infected, but this is not always a sign of Hodgkin lymphoma. It is also possible that patients will have painless swelling in the lymph glands due to other illnesses.
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The lymph nodes in the armpits, groin, and abdomen may be affected. The disease may spread to other lymph nodes or the spleen, causing weight loss and other problems with the body. Furthermore, the disease may cause abnormalities in the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and lungs. In addition to the nodes, patients with Hodgkin lymphoma may experience other symptoms.
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The most common symptom of Hodgkin lymphoma is a persistent swollen lymph node. These are not indicative of Hodgkin lymphoma, but may be signs of a more serious condition. Some patients may also have a fever that lasts for 14 days. The fever may be mild or severe, but it may indicate other diseases. A patient with a persistent fever is most likely suffering from Hodgkin lymphoma.
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A patient with Hodgkin lymphoma may also experience swollen lymph nodes. The swelling is usually painless and will be accompanied by unexplained weight loss. Additionally, the patient may also notice itchy skin. Regardless of the cause, it is important to see a doctor if any of these symptoms persists or are persistent. Asymptomatic patients may also feel ill.
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A patient may experience heavy night sweats or chills, but this is not always a sign of Hodgkin lymphoma. These symptoms can be the result of many different health conditions, but they can be indicative of this disease. Nonetheless, a doctor should be able to determine whether a patient is suffering from this disease if they have any of these symptoms. They should be able to diagnose any Hodgkin lymphoma early on.
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The symptoms of Hodgkin lymphoma are not limited to the lymph nodes. The patient may experience difficulty breathing, swelling of the face or neck, poor appetite, and irritability. He may also suffer from an itchy skin or night sweats. The cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body and affect the immune system. If the symptoms of Hodgkin lymphomoma are present, the doctor will recommend a treatment plan.
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Swollen lymph nodes are one of the most common symptoms of Hodgkin lymphoma. They can occur anywhere in the body and are often hidden by other symptoms. The most common symptoms of Hodgkin lymph nodes are chest pain, a cough, and breathlessness. These symptoms may be detected during a routine chest x-ray. If you do have any of these symptoms, it is important to see a physician right away.