Although hypopharyngeal cancer symptoms are very rare, they do occur. This type of cancer typically begins in the neck and can be detected through a physical exam or CT scan. It also may be detected through a biopsy, laryngoscopy, or a voice box biopsy. After the diagnosis is made, the patient will undergo a variety of tests, including chemotherapy and radiation.
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When diagnosing hypopharyngeal cancer, the first step is to understand the signs and symptoms. Usually, the presenting symptoms include dysphagia, a persistent sore throat, or a foreign body sensation in the throat. A patient may also experience referred otalgia, which is pain referred to the ear through the Arnold nerve. In 80% of cases, the disease has spread to lymph nodes and the bone.
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Several other symptoms of hypopharyngeal cancer include pain, bleeding, and difficulty swallowing. Patients with a tumor of this size may also experience changes in their voice, pain while swallowing, or changes in their voice. While the specific symptoms of hypopharyngeal cancer may vary, it's important to discuss them with your doctor and follow their advice. If you notice any of the signs and symptoms of hypopharyngeal cancer, you should see a physician right away.
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Other hypopharyngeal cancer symptoms include malnutrition and chronic sore throat. In some patients, the tumor may have progressed to the level of obstruction to the airway. In this case, a laryngectomy is required to remove the cancer. This surgery will result in permanent loss of voice or a tracheostomy. Functional problems from the treatment may include recurrent aspiration pneumonia, pain, and neck fibrosis.
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During the first phase of treatment, patients with hypopharyngeal cancer will undergo chemotherapy. This therapy is used to kill cancer cells throughout the body, including the hypopharynx. In addition to chemotherapy, physicians may also use immunotherapy to boost the immune system's natural defenses and fight against the cancer. The latter two treatments are recommended for patients with advanced stage disease and metastases.
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If the cancer has spread to the bones and lymph nodes, it is considered metastatic. A biopsy may be performed in the office of the ENT specialist to determine if the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. This test may also help determine whether or not the disease has metastasized to the bone. Once the tumor has reached the bones, treatment may be different. The symptoms of hypopharyngeal cancer may include weight loss, bleeding, hemoptysis, and laryngeal stridor.
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While hypopharyngeal cancer is not common, the symptoms of the condition include pain, bleeding, and malnutrition. In advanced stages, the tumor may be so advanced that it can block the airway, necessitating laryngectomy. In many cases, the cancer will cause permanent damage and may require a tracheostomy. Symptoms of hypopharyngeal cancer should be reported to a doctor as soon as possible.
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Other symptoms of hypopharyngeal cancer include pain, bleeding, and difficulty swallowing. In the early stages, there may not be any signs of the disease. However, in later stages, the symptoms may be present. Your doctor will perform imaging tests to determine the stage of your cancer. These tests will determine the location, size, and aggressiveness of the tumor. If the tumor has spread, it will affect the bones and organs in your chest.
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A biopsy of the hypopharynx is the most common method for diagnosing this type of cancer. The biopsy can be done in a hospital or in an office setting. Anesthesia is administered for this procedure. Once the procedure is complete, the patient will go home. The lymph nodes can also be examined. Most tumors are benign. You can go to your doctor to get an accurate diagnosis.
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Fortunately, most early stages of the disease can be detected by a physical examination. In many cases, hypopharyngeal cancer symptoms include a lump in the throat and food stuck in the throat. Even if the cancer has spread to your esophagus, you'll likely have a high risk of developing respiratory problems. These symptoms can make it difficult to breathe. It's important to seek treatment early, and avoid delays.