A physician can use biopsy results to help determine whether the tumor is intraocular or distant. The doctor will assess your health history and perform a physical examination. In some cases, your physician may recommend an ultrasound of the eye to diagnose intraocular melanoma. A biopsy is performed to determine whether the tumor is cancerous or benign, as well as to gather more information. If you suspect that your symptoms could be related to this disease, contact your doctor immediately.
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Your healthcare provider may notice melanomas during a routine eye exam, and may order a CT scan if necessary. This procedure is usually painless and not routinely done, but can give an accurate picture of the tumor's size and location. A doctor may also recommend an ultrasound or an angiography, which use high-frequency sound waves to visualize inside the eye. While this type of scan is uncommon, it can be helpful for determining the size of a tumor and ensuring that it is not spreading.
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While no particular risk factor is known to increase the risk of developing intraocular melanoma, there are certain things that can increase your chances of getting it. Regular exposure to the sun and tanning beds can increase your risk of developing the disease. If you cannot avoid sun exposure, use sunglasses with 100% UV protection and limit your exposure to the sun. In addition to sunscreen, use sunglasses that block UV rays.
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Your eye doctor will perform a physical examination to determine the cause of the problem and how you can reduce your risk. Your healthcare provider will check for a lump in your eye and determine whether there is any reason to worry. In some cases, the cancer may be caused by other health conditions. In such cases, your healthcare provider will perform a biopsy. Once the biopsy is complete, the healthcare provider will perform tests to confirm the diagnosis.
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While the exact cause of intraocular melanoma is unknown, it usually begins in the melanocyte cells of the eye. The melanocyte cells are the same types of cells as those that make up the skin. They are often pigmented cells and are the source of color in our eyes. However, because the eye is small, the tumor in the eye is difficult to detect early. It is important to consult a specialist at the first sign of suspicion.
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A diagnosis of intraocular melanoma requires a thorough examination. Initial tests will reveal the presence of a tumor in the eye. The doctor will also look for any other signs of intraocular melanoma. If your physician detects a tumor in the eye, you may need to undergo further treatment, or seek surgical removal of the tumor. Depending on the extent of the melanoma, your healthcare provider will recommend a course of treatment to relieve your symptoms and save your vision.
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Patients with fair skin and light-colored eyes are at risk of developing this cancer. People with fair skin are also more likely to develop intraocular melanoma than those with dark-colored eyes. Although the symptoms of intraocular melanoma may not be immediately apparent, it may be present during an eye examination. Your doctor will perform a dilated eye exam to detect any changes in your vision.
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While the exact causes of intraocular melanoma are unknown, repeated exposure to sunlight and tanning beds have been linked to an increased risk. A person with fair skin should always wear sunglasses with 100% UV protection when outdoors. A doctor may also recommend that patients with fair skin avoid tanning beds. In some cases, patients with light eyes are more likely to develop the disease. But there may be other causes for the symptoms.
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Symptoms of intraocular melanoma can be difficult to spot. You may not have noticed anything yet. If you experience any of these signs, you may have other health issues. A biopsy will help confirm the diagnosis. There are several other symptoms that you should watch out for. In addition, your doctor may want to conduct some tests before recommending a treatment. If your doctor finds any of these symptoms, your healthcare provider may recommend a biopsy.