While the exact cause of intraocular melanoma is unknown, it is possible to develop it in the eye. While this cancer is rare, certain risk factors increase the chance of developing it. Some are out of your control and others you can change to lower your risk. Talk with your healthcare provider to determine which risk factors you have if you're concerned about your vision or eye health. Once a diagnosis has been made, a screening is often needed.
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Intraocular melanoma symptoms may include the following. The pigmented part of the eye, or iris, is affected. The pupil will change. There may be a dark spot on the iris. Patients may also experience changes in the eyelids or the pupil. If the melanoma is spreading to the lymphatic system, it will spread to distant organs.
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The other symptoms of intraocular melanoma may be a sign of another eye disease. Typically, the disease spreads to distant areas of the body, through the lymphatic system and bloodstream. Other tissues in and around the eye can also be affected. The tumor may develop on the ciliary body, the middle layer of the eye, or on the eyelid itself. Further tests may be necessary to determine the cancer's stage and to learn more about the tumor.
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In many cases, intraocular melanoma is treated without the need for surgery. Sometimes, treatment is necessary, and may include surgery, photocoagulation, and thermotherapy. However, early detection is the key to fighting this cancer. A qualified eye care provider can determine if you have this type of melanoma. If you suspect a suspected condition, make an appointment with your eye doctor today.
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If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is essential to see a doctor immediately. Your healthcare provider will conduct an eye exam and take a biopsy to determine whether the tumor is in the eye. You may experience some of the symptoms mentioned above, but you should also seek medical attention as soon as you feel any discomfort. For example, if you suddenly feel a pain behind your eye, you should seek immediate treatment.
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Because intraocular melanoma is rare, it is best to seek treatment as soon as possible. Although it is difficult to treat, your healthcare provider will help you decide the best treatment option for you. For those with eye cancer, the first step is determining if the tumor has spread outside the eye. If the tumor has spread outside the eye, it will spread to other parts of your body. If it has spread beyond your eye, you should contact a health care provider as soon as possible.
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The first symptom of intraocular melanoma is a dark spot on the iris. You may notice a dilated pupil. You may notice a dark spot on your iris. Your eye might be irritated and your eyes could become painful. Seeing your healthcare provider regularly is very important. He or she can give you information and help you decide on the right treatment for your condition.
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MRI and angiography are two tests that can be done to determine the size of your tumor. The MRI uses strong magnets to create a picture of your eye. This test can be a life-saving way to save your sight and keep you in the dark. The MRI can also diagnose other types of melanoma, but it is not recommended. A doctor will examine your eye and assess its overall health.
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If you have a yellow spot on your eye, your doctor may recommend a fluorescein angiography. This test involves injecting a yellow dye into your arm and taking pictures of the blood vessels in your eye. You may be able to see your doctor's diagnosis early if your symptom-free after the first few tests. In most cases, your doctor will be able to detect it at an early stage and refer you to a specialist if further tests are needed.
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Early detection is vital for intraocular melanoma patients. Regular eye exams can help detect the disease at an early stage. An eye doctor will examine the outside of your eye to look for enlarged blood vessels. They will also perform an ophthalmoscopy to check inside the eye. In the indirect method, the doctors use a special headlamp and lens to shine bright light into the eye.