Before the onset of HIV/AIDS, Kaposi sarcoma was extremely rare. Before the onset of AIDS, fewer than two people per million were diagnosed with the disease. The incidence increased dramatically, to 47 cases per one million, during the peak of the epidemic.
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However, in recent years, the incidence of Kaposi sarcoma has been reduced to less than six cases per 1,000,000 individuals. Patients with classic Kaposi sarcoma are typically older men of Mediterranean, Eastern Asian, or Jewish descent. Their lesion is usually painless, but sometimes may cause a limited range of motion or a swelling of the groin.
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The first sign of Kaposi sarcoma is pain and swelling in the legs. In addition, Kaposi sarcoma may affect the lymph nodes, which can lead to painful swelling in the legs and abdomen. Although the disease is relatively rare in the United States, many people who have it will have multiple doctors before being properly diagnosed. Getting an early diagnosis is critical, as treatment options are more effective if diagnosed early.
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The most common symptoms of Kaposi sarcoma involve the digestive system. These may not appear until a patient is very advanced in the disease. Depending on the severity of the disease, patients may experience abdominal pain, bloody stools, or intestinal obstruction. In addition to these symptoms, Kaposi sarcoma can also affect the lungs and the lymph nodes. These conditions can be extremely painful, and the cancer can spread throughout the body if it is not diagnosed early.
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Patients with Kaposi sarcoma may have red or purple patches on their skin. Their lymph nodes are small bean-shaped structures in the body that produce immune cells. A patient may experience other symptoms, including diarrhea, lymphedema, and pain. If the disease has reached an advanced stage, doctors may also recommend further tests to rule out other conditions. It may be difficult to diagnose the disease early, because the symptoms of Kaposi sarcoma can be so subtle.
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When a person is diagnosed with Kaposi sarcoma, they will experience various signs and symptoms. These symptoms will usually appear as patches on the skin. Some patients may experience pain, swollen legs, or difficulty breathing. In some cases, it may be possible to feel a sharp pain and swelling on the skin. Other people with Kaposi sarcoma can also experience a fever, shortness of breath, or a weakened immune system.
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Most people with Kaposi sarcoma will experience a red or pink patch on their skin. They may also experience pain, swollen, and a swelling in their lymph nodes. The lesions may be painful or even inflamed. If left untreated, they can spread to the lymph nodes and other areas of the body. Fortunately, most Kaposi sarcoma symptoms are easily treatable.
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Kaposi sarcoma can cause a range of different symptoms, and it is important to visit a doctor to get a diagnosis. During the first visit, your healthcare provider will perform a bronchoscopy to look for lesions. Then, the patient will undergo a biopsy, which will confirm the presence of Kaposi sarcoma. The pathologist will analyze the sample of the cancer.
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The main Kaposi sarcoma symptoms include red or purple patches on the skin. These lesions may be tender and may appear on the face or legs. Large lesions can be painful and may enlarge and cause other health problems, such as a weak immune system. The most important step in determining the cause of your symptoms is a consultation with your doctor. You should be able to tell your healthcare provider if something is wrong if they suspect you of the disease.
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If your healthcare provider suspects you have Kaposi sarcoma, you will most likely need to have a biopsy performed to determine the exact cause. Often, it is necessary to take samples of the cancer and compare them to normal tissue to rule out other illnesses. If you have a biopsy, your doctor will also want to take a sample of your immune system and analyze it. If you have a tumor in your lymph nodes, you should be checked for it as soon as possible.