Fortunately, the early stages of kidney cancer are not as difficult to detect as those of other cancers. Unlike prostate cancer, which has a high mortality rate, kidney cancer can be detected through a urine test. In addition to detecting the presence of tumor cells in the kidney, symptoms of kidney disease can also be found in the surrounding lymph nodes. The most common symptom of this disease is blood in the urine. This blood is usually caused by a number of conditions.
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The most common symptom of kidney cancer is pain. Patients with this condition often experience moderate to severe hematuria (blood in the urine). Other common symptoms include pain, ranging from a mild ache to a sharp stabbing. However, this presenting symptom is rare in people with kidney cancer, and should not be ignored. While pain is a symptom of the disease, it should not be neglected as a sign of the onset of the disease.
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The most common kidney cancer symptom is blood in the urine. Patients may also experience microscopic amounts of blood in their urine. Another symptom of kidney cancer is pain, which can range from a dull ache to a burning or piercing sensation. A patient should seek medical attention if they have a sudden onset of pain in the flank, especially if there's no sign of trauma. But it's important to note that many people with kidney cancer do not experience any recognizable symptoms of the disease, and that some patients only show certain signs once the cancer has spread to distant organs.
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Fever is a symptom of kidney cancer that occurs when the kidneys stop working properly. It's a common symptom of the disease and can be mistaken for an infection. Other symptoms of the disease include edema, which is fluid buildup in the body's tissues. The kidneys remove this fluid, so any fluid accumulation in the body is a warning sign that something is wrong. A doctor will need to diagnose the condition to help prevent it from worsening.
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A patient suffering from a fever with kidney cancer may also have a fever, which is an important symptom of the disease. This is not due to an infection, but rather is a sign of a tumor that is in the kidney. Moreover, a person who has a fever can also develop edema, which is fluid that builds in the body's tissues. This is not a symptom of an infection, but rather a symptom of a tumour that has spread to another part of the body.
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Some patients may not experience any kidney cancer symptoms at first. It is possible that they may have other health conditions, such as urinary tract infections or kidney stones. Other symptoms of kidney cancer may only appear once the cancer has spread. As a result, a doctor will want to determine if any other symptoms of the disease have appeared. It's important to consult with a doctor immediately if you notice any of these symptoms.
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Varicocele is a vein in the scrotum or testicle that is enlarged. A person with kidney cancer may experience persistently high blood pressure that is difficult to control. A patient with a tumor may also experience elevated calcium levels in the blood, which can cause a high calcium level in the blood. A person with an elevated red cell count is another symptom of kidney cancer. A patient who has an elevated calcium level in the blood should consult their doctor as soon as possible.
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The most common kidney cancer symptom is blood in the urine. While this symptom is a common sign of a cancerous tumor, it's not the only one. A patient with this condition will also experience an abdominal mass or flank pain. These symptoms can occur as the cancer has spread throughout the body. In some cases, it may take several years before you will notice the symptoms of kidney cancer. If you notice these symptoms, you should seek medical attention immediately.
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Other symptoms of kidney cancer include fever. A person experiencing a fever is unlikely to have an infection. A patient suffering from a cancerous tumor will not be experiencing any of these symptoms. A doctor will need to be sure to examine the patient's kidney to determine the exact cause of the fever. A blood test will also indicate if the cancer is spreading through the body. If you notice any of these symptoms, you should consult a medical professional as soon as possible.