There are several signs and symptoms of Langerhans Cell Histiosis. These include pain and swelling of the scapula, skin, bone marrow, and pituitary gland. It is an inherited disease that may affect any part of the body. The lesion in the bone marrow may also cause bleeding gums or loose teeth. In children, the disease can also cause hearing loss. Other symptoms can include bumps, lesions, and rashes on the skin.
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The first symptoms of Langerhans cell histiocytosis are rash, fatigue, and chest pain. The condition can also cause skin to turn a bluish color. It is common for children to have lung involvement, and it can make breathing difficult or even fatal. X-rays of the lungs and the rest of the body can provide clues to the cause of the disease. A skin biopsy can confirm the diagnosis, but this will not give any information regarding the course of the disease.
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The rash is usually the first sign of Langerhans cell histiocytosis. Patients often notice sores on the cheeks, roof of the mouth, and tongue. Those who smoke frequently may experience difficulty breathing. The disease may also result in a blueish color in the skin. Although the symptoms of Langerhans cell histicytosis may vary depending on the type of cancer, the disorder should be investigated by a physician.
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A person suffering from Langerhans cell histiocytosis may have trouble breathing and fingernail loss. Sores on the tongue, cheeks, and roof of the mouth are often present. People with this disease may also experience fatigue and have low platelets. In rare cases, a patient will also experience chronic lung dysfunction. The symptoms of Langerhans cell histiocytes can range from minor to severe.
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Young patients with unexplained pulmonary infiltrates and bone lesions are suspected of having this disorder. They may also develop ocular abnormalities. A patient with these symptoms may require surgery. While the rash is a major sign of this disease, there are no specific signs or symptoms. The diagnosis of this condition depends on the severity of the condition and the presence of other symptoms.
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There are a number of symptoms associated with this disease. The most common ones are fingernail and tooth loss. Occasionally, a person with this condition may experience a bluish rash on their face. If the condition affects multiple organs, it may cause difficulty breathing or other serious complications. If you have any of these symptoms, contact a doctor right away to get proper treatment.
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Early symptoms of Langerhans Cell Histiosis include fingernail loss, sores on the tongue, and the roof of the mouth. In children, sores on the neck and face can be accompanied by a fever, difficulty breathing, and swelling of the face and neck. Some patients may develop a bluish rash and have trouble breathing.
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Some symptoms of Langerhans Cell Histiosis include fingernail loss, sores on the tongue, and bluish rash. If the condition affects the kidneys, it can cause frequent urination and kidney failure. The disease may also affect the face, throat, and bones. It is best to seek medical attention immediately if the symptoms are apparent.
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Some early symptoms of Langerhans Cell Histiosis include bone lesions and pituitary tumors. The growth of dendritic cells can cause pain. A lesion in the bone marrow may result in ulcers. In the case of a lesion in the skin, the disease may lead to other symptoms. However, it is important to note that the disease may not be detected in the early stages.
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The lungs, liver, and blood-forming system are among the organs that can be affected by Langerhans cell histiocytosis. The condition can be life-threatening and cause many symptoms. As the disease progresses, the patient may develop various cutaneous complications, including delayed puberty and diabetes. Symptoms of this disease are similar to those of other types of cancer, including pulmonary fibrosis.