The primary symptom of Langerhans cell histiocytosis is the loss of fingernails. Besides that, this condition can also cause sores on the roof of the mouth, inside cheeks, tongue, and bones. It can also cause chronic lung dysfunction. Pain over bones, and swelling of face, neck, and body may also be signs of Langerhans cell histiasis.
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Symptoms of Langerhans cell histiocytosis vary from patient to patient. The condition can affect any organ or tissue. It is most often diagnosed in childhood but can develop at any age. However, it is mostly found in smokers, and two-thirds of adult-onset cases affect the lungs. This condition can be fatal without treatment. Although it is rare, it is still important to seek medical attention if you experience any of the underlying symptoms.
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Symptoms of Langerhans cell histiocytosis include pulmonary infiltrates, bone lesions, ocular abnormalities, and anemia. Children younger than 2 years of age are at high risk of developing this disease. A typical presentation of this condition is a characteristic rash. Those with multiple organ involvement will often have anemia.
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Early symptoms of Langerhans cell histiocytosis include a rash, chest pain, and fatigue. These signs can be indicative of the disease or other medical issues. If the lesions infiltrate the bone deeply enough, they may cause a deformed bone structure. The skin can also be affected, resulting in a bluish color. In some cases, the disease can be inherited.
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The symptoms of Langerhans cell histiocytosis can be difficult to identify in the early stages, but lab tests can help diagnose the condition. Blood, urine, and bone marrow biopsy are common. Other tests, such as a PET scan, can help confirm the diagnosis. A patient may also experience hearing or vision problems. Depending on the severity of the disease, a patient may experience pain or hearing loss.
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Other symptoms of Langerhans cell histiocytosis include chest pain, trouble breathing, and fatigue. The condition can affect the ear bones and cause loss of hearing. During the early stages, the condition can also be asymptomatic. Once diagnosed, there are a number of ways to manage and treat the condition. X-rays and scans of internal organs can help with diagnosis and can also be used to monitor the disease. A biopsy of the affected tissue is the only way to confirm the diagnosis.
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Other symptoms of Langerhans cell histiocytosis include chest pain and difficulty breathing. Oftentimes, the condition is accompanied by a chronic kidney disease. The patient may experience frequent urination and difficulty in breathing. In severe cases, the condition may lead to hepatic dysfunction, causing hypoproteinemia, and other serious symptoms. When a child has LCH, the symptoms are often life-threatening.
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When a child has this disorder, he or she may have a number of red bumps on the skin. The skin may also become bluish in color. The bumps may be crusted or red. If you are not sure what these symptoms mean, consult your doctor. There are no known treatments for the disease. But, if the lesions are affecting your body, you should not delay the diagnosis.
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If you have symptoms of Langerhans cell histiocytosis, you should see a doctor immediately. Various diagnostic tests are necessary to diagnose the disease. Your doctor will perform a spinal cord and nervous system examination. Some tests may be required to rule out the possibility of cancer. If the lesion is not cancerous, your pediatrician will recommend a surgery.
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The symptoms of Langerhans cell histiocytosis are often very rare. Besides the skin rash, this condition can affect the liver and the blood-forming system. If this disease causes damage to these organs, it can be life-threatening. In addition, the lungs may develop a stiffened airway and breathing problems. Patients with this condition can suffer from hematopenia (reduced number of white blood cells) and pancytopenia (low number of platelets).
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In severe cases of Langerhans cell histiocytosis, a doctor may recommend medical treatment. Surgical treatment of LCH is usually done in children and is usually straightforward, removing the lesion from the bone surface. In more severe cases, surgery may be necessary to reinforce the spine. In severe cases, low-dose chemotherapy is recommended. The symptoms of Langerhans cell histiasis can be disabling and cause serious complications.