The earliest signs and symptoms of Langerhans Cell Histiosis include fatigue, chest pain, and bluish skin color. These symptoms are most common in smokers. A rash will be present if the disease is severe, and X-rays and scans of internal organs will help with the diagnosis. A biopsy of the skin may be necessary for confirmation, although this will not indicate the disease's likely course.
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Another symptom of Langerhans cell histiocytosis is the loss of fingernails. The condition can also affect the skin, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, thyroid, and vulva. It can also cause painful sores in the spleen and liver. Fortunately, Langerhans cell histiosis is usually curable without treatment.
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The symptoms of Langerhans Cell Histiosis range from skin sores to swollen bone marrow. People with this disorder often experience fingernail loss. Their tongues may bleed, and they may also have sores on the roof of the mouth. A severe case of the disease may result in amputation of the affected tissues.
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If you have symptoms of Langerhans cell histiocytosis, you may want to see a doctor. A blood test may be recommended to rule out the presence of cancer cells. Your doctor may recommend an ultrasound if your condition is too advanced for a biopsy. Then, a blood test is necessary. If you have these blood tests, you will be able to see whether or not the disease has spread throughout your body.
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Other symptoms of Langerhans Cell Histiosis include loss of fingernails, sores on the cheeks and tongue, and bone deformities. Occasionally, lesions can spread into the bones and cause hearing loss. If you experience bone pain, you may develop lesion on the face and neck. Despite the onset of symptoms, there are no known cures for Langerhans Cell Histiocysis.
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The earliest signs and symptoms of Langerhans Cell Histiosis in infants include skin rash and raised, itchy skin. In children, the lesions may lead to ulcers and may result in bone deformities. It is important to note that these symptoms are not caused by a genetic mutation. Rather, they are the result of a disease that is present in the body.
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Early symptoms of Langerhans Cell Histiosis may include a rash or ulcers on the skin. These lesions can be triggered by exposure to certain chemicals. The disease is not treatable with medications. It is best to seek a medical diagnosis as soon as possible. In infants, the rash or ulcers may be itchy and appear like dandruff. In children with skin only Langerhans cell histiocytosis, the symptoms may worsen.
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A diagnosis of Langerhans Cell Histiosis is important, but treatment is not always necessary. Some patients may experience only minor symptoms. A temporary back brace may prevent kyphosis. In severe cases, treatment may be required. Other treatments may involve diagnostic testing and follow-up care. In some cases, watchful waiting is the best option.
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If the condition affects the bones, a doctor may prescribe medications to treat the symptoms. In some cases, patients with cradle cap or mild Langerhans Cell Histiosis may develop high-risk multisystem cases. In these cases, the condition can progress to ulcers and other complications. It may be inherited. However, it is rare. If you have any symptoms, consult a medical professional.
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The first symptom of the disease is a rash on the scalp. Some people with the disorder may experience the rash. The infection is usually inherited. Some forms are genetic, and some patients with the condition will develop diabetes in the future. It is not uncommon for the disease to be life-threatening. If you have a rash, seek medical attention as soon as possible.
A rash is another sign of the disease. The condition is a symptom of an infection. Some symptoms may be localized to one area, while others can occur throughout the body.
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Symptoms are often not widespread, and can be mistaken for other illnesses. If you experience any of these symptoms, seek medical attention to ensure that the condition isn't life-threatening. If the symptoms persist, you may need to undergo an invasive procedure to cure the disease.