The earliest signs of laryngeal cancer may include hoarseness, altered voice, and difficulty swallowing. The specific symptoms of the disease depend on the location and size of the tumor. Vocal cord tumors rarely cause symptoms. However, they do occur and may be painful. Although they are uncommon, vocal cord tumors can affect a person's ability to speak or sing. Fortunately, there are treatments for these symptoms.
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To determine if you have the disease, a GP will perform a physical exam. A CT scan or MRI will reveal if there is a tumor or whether the disease has spread throughout the body. If you have any of the symptoms listed above, you should visit your doctor right away. A physician will order tests that can confirm a diagnosis. If your larynx is affected by cancer, the doctor will recommend a treatment plan.
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Symptoms of laryngeal cancer may be a result of many factors, including age, gender, and a family history of the disease. Even if you are asymptomatic, the doctor will recommend a biopsy to rule out a malignancy. Your GP will also check your medical history and order a physical exam to rule out other medical conditions. A thorough physical exam will help determine if you have laryngeal cancer.
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Depending on the type of larynx cancer you have, your symptoms will vary. If the disease is located in the subglottic, hoarseness is often the first symptom, while a person with a supraglottic cancer may develop a neck mass. If you experience these symptoms, it's important to see a doctor for a direct laryngoscopy to rule out the condition.
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As laryngeal cancer is not infectious, it is rare and has no specific causes. Patients with symptoms should visit their GP. The doctor will ask about the nature of their symptoms and medications. If they notice any lumps in the neck, they may have a condition such as a swollen lymph node or other medical problem. Your doctor will perform a physical examination and may perform further tests to diagnose the disease.
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The symptoms of laryngeal cancer can range from hoarseness to a swollen throat. If your symptoms persist, you should see a doctor. Your GP will examine you and refer you to a specialist. The specialist will ask about your symptoms and any medicines you take. He or she will also feel for any lumps in your neck. If you have any of these symptoms, your specialist will recommend the appropriate tests to perform.
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There is no specific cause of laryngeal cancer. However, there are risk factors that can increase the risk of developing the disease. If you have these symptoms, visit your GP or a specialist. Your GP may refer you to a specialist. During the exam, the doctor will assess your symptoms and ask you about any medicines you are taking. The doctor will check your neck for any lumps or swelling.
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If you have symptoms, you should visit your GP right away. Your GP will look for any changes in your voice or ear. A biopsy may also be needed if you have any risk factors for laryngeal cancer. When you experience any of these symptoms, it is important to see a doctor as early as possible. Your physician will perform several tests to diagnose the condition and help you make the best treatment choices.
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Surgery is the only way to confirm the existence of laryngeal cancer. After the surgery, you may undergo a radiation treatment to destroy cancer cells. Your healthcare provider will determine the stage of your cancer. Depending on the stage of your disease, you may need physical therapy. If you experience difficulty opening your mouth, your doctor may recommend physical therapy. You will likely have to have some pain during your recovery period, but the treatment is essential to ensure your overall health and quality of life.
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If you have a visible lump on your neck, a biopsy is recommended. A biopsy will confirm the diagnosis of laryngeal cancer. Surgical procedures can be used to remove the tumor while preserving the larynx. You may also need to undergo a surgical procedure to remove the whole larynx. It is important to be examined if the lump is larger than 2 cm in diameter.