Knowing your body's signs and symptoms can help you make an early diagnosis of laryngeal cancer. The first step to early detection is to be self-aware of the way you feel. Learn to identify pain in your neck and other changes in your body. You should know the features of your neck and voice box and memorize them. It will also help you determine if a lump you feel is not normal.
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Other common signs and symptoms of laryngeal cancer include labored breathing, coughing that doesn't go away, and a change in your voice. It's important to see a doctor if you experience any of these symptoms. During your initial visit, your healthcare provider will do a physical examination and perform a series of tests. A thorough health history will help the doctor determine if you have laryngitis. He or she will also ask about your family history and risk factors.
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After a thorough health examination, a biopsy is necessary to determine if you have laryngeal cancer. A biopsy involves taking samples of tissue from the throat to see if there are any cancer cells. Other tests will be performed to learn more about the type of cancer you have and what stage it is in. Stage determines how far the cancer has spread. This information is important when determining treatment.
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If you have these symptoms, it is important to see a doctor to determine whether the condition is caused by laryngeal cancer. If your symptoms are caused by other health issues, your doctor will perform a thorough examination and tests. The patient will be asked about their health history, any risk factors, and family history. He or she may order one or more tests. Once the doctor is clear that your larynx has been affected by cancer, he or she will perform a surgical procedure that will remove any cancer cells.
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There are many risk factors for developing laryngeal cancer. Smoking, alcohol use, and a poor diet are all risk factors. Secondhand smoke may also increase the risk of developing larynx cancer. Your doctor will be able to determine the cause of your symptoms and the best course of treatment. He or she may recommend a biopsy if the symptoms are recurring.
However, if you are experiencing these symptoms, it is important to talk with your doctor.
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The most common symptoms are labored breathing, bloody coughing, and a feeling of something stuck in your throat. These are all signs of laryngeal cancer and should not be ignored. Your healthcare provider will evaluate you in several ways to determine if you have the disease. Your history will also help your healthcare provider identify any risk factors. Your physician will check for signs and symptoms of laryngeal cancer.
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Other signs of laryngeal cancer include a throat that feels sore or swollen, blood in the throat, or a lump on the outside of your neck. A medical professional will ask about your symptoms, your family's history of the disease, and other risk factors. If these don't fit, a biopsy may be required to confirm the diagnosis. This will help determine the extent of the cancer and whether you are at risk for it.
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There are many risk factors for laryngeal cancer. If you have a family history of cancer, your doctor may suspect you have it. Your symptoms may be pain in the throat or ear, and your voice may sound different from how it sounds when you're speaking. You should see a doctor if you notice any of these symptoms. If you have a family history of laryngeal tumors, your doctor will likely recommend surgery to remove it.
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Another symptom of laryngeal cancer is a lump in the neck. If you have a neck lump, it's a sign of a malignant tumor in the larynx. It's important to see your doctor for an exam and further testing. It's important to know if the lump is a tumor or a symptom of the disease. If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, consult with a physician as soon as possible.