The early detection of laryngeal cancer is essential for successful treatment. The National Institute for Cancer Research (NCI) found that 61 percent of patients diagnosed with the disease survive five years. However, it is important to note that laryngeal cancer symptoms are not always immediately apparent. Symptoms of laryngeal tumors may include a hoarse voice for more than three weeks.
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The disease is more common in older people, and men are more likely to develop it than women. People with a history of head and neck cancer are more likely to develop laryngeal cancer. One out of four people who have had a previous cancer of the head and neck are likely to contract it again. Also, those who are exposed to certain chemicals or machines at work have a higher risk for developing laryngeal tumors. Although the cause of laryngeal tumors is unknown, those with a family history of head and neck cancer are more likely than those without a family history to develop the disease.
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If you are experiencing laryngeal cancer symptoms, see a doctor immediately. While there is no single cause of the disease, there are risk factors for it. A thorough physical examination and detailed medical history can help diagnose the condition. The doctor will also look for swollen lymph nodes and examine the neck for swelling or lumps. Regardless of the cause of the symptoms, treatment for laryngeal cancer is crucial for preserving the quality of life.
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Initial treatment options for laryngeal cancer include a laryngectomy. Often, this treatment option is recommended when the tumor is small and does not affect the quality of the patient's life. If a diagnosis is made, your physician will perform imaging tests to confirm the presence of the tumor or spread. If the disease is detected in the early stages, the treatment options include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or a combination of these methods.
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In addition to symptoms, you can have a biopsy performed to confirm the diagnosis. The biopsy will remove a small piece of tissue and check it for cancer cells. If the cancer is already present, other tests can be performed. A doctor can also perform a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. If a diagnosis is made, your doctor will determine a course of treatment. If the cancer is detected early, the treatment is effective and can prevent a lot of problems.
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The symptoms of laryngeal cancer are not specific to one particular type. However, there are some risk factors that increase the risk of developing the disease. If you experience any of the symptoms of laryngeal cancer, visit your doctor immediately. You should take a stool sample to confirm the diagnosis and to see whether the cancer has spread elsewhere in the body. After you have determined the diagnosis, it is important to discuss treatment options with your doctor. If you've had the biopsy, you'll need to discuss your treatment options with the pathologist.
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The symptoms of laryngeal cancer vary from person to person. Depending on the location and size of the tumor, the symptoms of laryngeal cancer may include hoarseness, altered voice, and throat pain. Other symptoms include swelling and pain in the neck, and changes in the voice. These may be the first signs of cancer, but they can also be early warning signs. During an initial physical exam, your doctor will check for any abnormalities.
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If you've experienced any of the symptoms listed above, you may have laryngitis. If you've had other types of cancer in your neck or head, you may be at increased risk of developing laryngeal cancer. You should not delay your examination. Your health care provider will be able to determine the severity of the symptoms and make the proper diagnosis. A biopsy will help your doctor determine the cause and the treatment of the cancer.
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Diagnostic tests will help diagnose the disease. Your doctor will probably perform a biopsy to determine whether the abnormal tissue is cancer. If it is, the biopsy will help your doctor determine the stage of your cancer. If it is advanced, your doctor will likely prescribe chemotherapy to treat the cancer and will continue to monitor you. The condition of your voice may be influenced by other factors, but your voice will not be affected by the treatment you receive.