Lip and oral cavity cancers occur when cells in the lips and oral cavity grow abnormally. The mouth contains the tongue, cheeks, gums, and the area behind the wisdom teeth. Most of the cases of lip and dental cancer are squamous cell carcinomas. These cancers are caused by the growth of cells in the mucous membrane of the mouth, which is thin. A person may notice signs such as a sore throat or the sensation that something is stuck in their throat.
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When the cancer is detected, a biopsy is done to check for cancer cells. The cancer cells are then viewed under a microscope to determine whether the tumor has spread to nearby areas. There are four stages of lip and oral cavity disease. The first stage is called a "carcinoma in situ" and is the least advanced. After a diagnosis is made, treatments and prognosis can be determined.
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Another symptom of lip and oral cavity cancer is a change in the appearance of the mouth. The cancer may spread to the muscles used for chewing, to the carotid artery near the base of the skull, and to the sphenoid bone behind the upper jaw. If it spreads, the cancer may return to the same area. The best treatment for this type of cancer is surgery. However, some patients experience side effects of treatment.
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After treatment, lip and oral cavity cancer may recur. The treatments used to treat this type of cancer depend on the stage of the tumor and whether or not the cancer cells have spread outside the mouth. This is called metastasis. It can spread to other parts of the body. If the cancer has spread to other tissues, it is considered metastatic. If it has spread to bone, it is called osteosarcoma.
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If you notice any of these symptoms, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. A specialist may suggest a clinical trial. If you are diagnosed with lip or oral cavity cancer, your doctor will be able to prescribe a drug that will cure the cancer without causing any side effects. It is essential to see a dentist before you take any antibiotics, and he will perform a biopsy.
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Some people with the cancer will not experience any symptoms and may be unaware of the disease. If you have no noticeable symptoms, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. The symptoms of lip and oral cavity cancer are often difficult to detect, and the treatment will depend on the stage of the cancer. If the cancer has already spread, you may not experience any noticeable signs of it. Depending on where the cancer has spread, it can be detected during a dental exam.
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It is important to note that if you have cancer in the mouth, it will be present in the mouth. In this case, you will experience pain and a sore throat. The pain and swelling may be caused by the tumor. You should seek medical attention immediately as the cancer could spread to other areas of your body. If you are diagnosed with lip and oral cavity cancer, your doctor will likely perform tests to determine the stage of your disease.
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If you have any of the symptoms of lip and oral cavity cancer, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. The cancer may not have obvious symptoms, but the pain, swelling, and lump in the mouth are signs of cancer. You should also be aware of the fact that you have any type of mouth disease. The disease may be triggered by a specific activity or a traumatic incident. When this happens, you should contact a doctor as soon as possible to get the necessary treatment.
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In some cases, the cancer may be small and not have any obvious symptoms. If you suspect that you have this type of cancer, it is best to seek medical attention immediately. A regular dental check-up will rule out any other signs of oral cancer. Your dentist will be able to perform the necessary tests to diagnose and stage the condition. You should also consult your doctor if you have any of these symptoms.