The National Institutes of Health's Center for Biomedical Research, the National Cancer Institute (NCI), publishes PDQ summaries. PDQ is an independent review of medical literature and is not intended to be a policy statement by the NCI. The PDQ cancer information summary contains current information about lip and oral cavity cancer treatment. These summaries are intended to provide patients with helpful information, and do not provide formal guidelines.
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There are several types of lip and oral cavity cancer, and they are usually squamous cell carcinomas. These are characterized by abnormal growth of cells that line the mouth and lips. A biopsy of the cancerous tissue can be performed during a routine dental exam. This procedure will allow doctors to determine whether the cancer has spread inside or outside the mouth or throat. In some cases, the cancer may spread by growing in adjacent areas and getting into the lymph system and blood vessels.
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Once lip and oral cavity cancer has been diagnosed, it will be staged and treated accordingly. The treatment options for lip and oral cavity cancer vary widely. Surgery is the main treatment option for this type of cancer, but radiation therapy is the most common.
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Chemotherapy is also an option, and a combination of chemotherapy and radiation can be used to treat the condition. During the treatment process, patients will be monitored closely.
During the first few months of chemotherapy, they will be given a period of anti-cancer medications. Then, they will be given a course of chemotherapy and radiation.
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If you have any of these signs or symptoms, you should consult a medical professional. The National Cancer Institute offers detailed information on the symptoms of lip and oral cavity cancer. They also offer information on how to treat these types of cancers. Once diagnosed, your doctor can make the appropriate treatment recommendation. If you have any of the signs, you may want to schedule an appointment with a specialist. If you do not have any symptoms, you should seek treatment as soon as possible.
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If you have lip or oral cavity cancer, you should get a comprehensive examination with a medical team specializing in head and neck cancer. You may have a variety of symptoms. Your doctor will examine your mouth and throat, and will prescribe the best treatment for your case. If there are any symptoms, you should contact a medical professional immediately. You should also have your doctor check the results of your x-ray and perform a biopsy.
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There are different types of lip and oral cavity cancer. The most common is a type of mouth cancer. It affects the lips and the oral cavity, and can spread to other parts of the body. The most common type of oral cavity cancer is called squamous cell carcinoma. It is a type of cancer that affects the mouth and the throat. The symptoms of these diseases are similar to those of oral cavity cancer.
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While the symptoms of lip and oral cavity cancer are typically not life-threatening, they are very common and can indicate the presence of cancer. If you have signs of lip and oral cavity cancer, it may be a sign of the disease. The symptoms are similar to those of oral cavity cancer, but they may not be the same. The main difference between the two types of cancer is the type of treatment that is used.
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The most common symptoms of lip and oral cavity cancer include sore throat and white or red patches in the mouth. This may be the first sign of cancer. If you have symptoms of lip and oral cavity cancer, you should not ignore them. However, it is important to seek medical attention because the symptoms of the disease may not be obvious. It is important to visit your doctor right away for an evaluation. You should also be aware of any other signs that may indicate you may have the condition.
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The symptoms of lip and oral cavity cancer include sore throat, cough, and a feeling of something stuck in the throat. If you have a lump in your mouth, you should visit a doctor right away. You should be evaluated as soon as possible. There may be a few symptoms that point to cancer in the mouth. There may be side effects from the treatments. If the symptoms are bothersome, you should contact your doctor immediately.