While you may be experiencing a few liver cancer symptoms, you may not be aware that you have the disease. You should be alert for any changes in these symptoms and speak with your doctor if you notice any. You may already have symptoms of liver cancer, so the sooner you seek medical attention, the better. There are a variety of symptoms that could be signs of liver cancer. Read on for more information. Listed below are the most common ones:
Low-grade persistent fever (also known as "fever of unknown origin", or FUO) is a common symptom of liver cancer. FUO is defined as a persistent temperature over 101 degrees for three weeks, without any apparent cause. Often, this symptom will begin with frequent nosebleeds or bleeding from the gums. You may also experience increased pain in the right upper quadrant of the body. You may also experience an increase in the frequency of bleeding or hemorrhoids. In addition to bleeding, you may also have a change in your mood or alert your diabetes control.
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One of the most common symptoms of liver cancer is low-grade persistent fever, or FUO. The symptom is also known as a "fever of unknown origin" (FuO). A fever of 101 or higher for at least three weeks without any clear cause is considered FUO. After three healthcare provider visits and three days in the hospital, the patient can be diagnosed with FUO. However, there are several other possible causes of this symptom.
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The first symptom of liver cancer is a low-grade persistent fever, also known as FUO. It is a temperature that is above 101 degrees for at least three weeks. This fever cannot be linked to an obvious cause after three health-care providers' visits and a stay in the hospital. There are many other causes of FUO, so you should not panic if you experience one or more of these.
The first symptom of liver cancer is low-grade persistent fever, or FUO. It is a low-grade fever that lasts for more than a day or two. This fever may be accompanied by a painful, swollen, or bloody abdomen. In addition to the pain, the patient may experience a high-grade fever. Some patients may even experience frequent nosebleeds, as well as a blood-pressure reading.
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Symptoms of liver cancer may be subtle and non-acute. The first symptom is a hard lump or swelling beneath the rib cage. The next one is a pain or swelling in the upper abdomen, often around the right shoulder blade. A person suffering from this condition may have a dark urine or yellow skin. Other symptoms can be related to a high blood calcium level or a high blood cell count.
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Early symptoms of liver cancer are not acute, but may be a sign of the disease. The first symptom of liver cancer is a hard lump that may be felt under the rib cage. The second symptom is a swollen or painful upper abdomen. Some patients may also experience frequent nosebleeds. The third symptom is a high blood cell count. These are all common signs of liver cancer.
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Other liver cancer symptoms include a low-grade persistent fever. This is known as FUO and is a common sign of the disease. During this period, the fever may stay higher than usual for three weeks. A patient may have a hard lump or pain in the upper abdomen. The next few days will be crucial in diagnosing liver cancer. It is best to see your doctor immediately if you notice any of these signs.
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The first of these symptoms is a low-grade persistent fever (FUO). This is also known as a low-grade persistent fever (HF), and it is indicative of liver cancer. The fever is often caused by an infection or an inflammation in the liver. It is often accompanied by an elevated blood cell count. The second of these symptoms is an abdominal pain. The other two are similar to the above. There are other signs and symptoms that are more common with cirrhosis.
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Liver cancer symptoms include a decrease in appetite or feeling full quickly. In addition, nausea and vomiting can be common. There are different causes of this symptom. Some are triggered by the disease itself, while others are due to the disease itself. It is important to seek medical attention if you notice any of these symptoms. There are many other signs and symptoms of liver cancer. If you have any of these symptoms, it is important to get diagnosed right away.