Lung cancer symptoms can range from chronic coughing to bloody mucus. Coughing blood can be one of the most serious signs of this disease. If you experience chest pain or difficulty breathing, you should see your doctor immediately. The sooner it is discovered, the more effective treatments can be. Lung cancer is not a curable condition, but it can be detected and treated early. Here are some of the common symptoms of lung tumors.
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As part of the disease, certain types of lung cancer may make substances that can enter the bloodstream. These substances can cause problems with other organs or tissues. These substances are called paraneoplastic syndromes and can be mistaken for other illnesses. A person with a lung tumor may also have blood in their urine. In severe cases, patients may even experience seizures or coma. Although lung cancer is very treatable, its symptoms can be confusing and cause people to seek medical care as soon as they notice a change in their conditions.
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The most common lung cancer symptom is a persistent cough. This cough is not specific to lung cancer and can mimic normal coughing. Some people experience a sputum-producing cough. Some patients even experience rib pain as a result of their cough. However, the persistent cough is often a warning sign and should be taken seriously. Lung cancer symptoms are more serious than they seem, but they are often mistaken for other ailments.
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If the tumor is close to the airway, wheezing may also be a sign of lung cancer. Sometimes the tumors can be so close to the airway that they are causing obstructions. If the blockage is large, fluid may fill the space. This fluid can lead to shortness of breath, palpitations, lightheadedness, and cardiac tamponade. Another early symptom of lung cancer is blood in the respiratory tract. If you cough up a teaspoon-sized amount of blood, you should seek immediate medical attention. If the liquid is filled with cancer cells, it can be dangerous.
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Lung cancer symptoms in women can include recurrent respiratory infections. Many women report several episodes of pneumonia or bronchitis before getting a diagnosis. As the cancer progresses, the number of episodes of these respiratory infections increases. If you experience these signs, you should see a doctor right away. It can be a sign of lung cancer. If you have any of these symptoms, see your healthcare provider as soon as possible.
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If the cancer has spread to the brain, symptoms can include headaches, seizures, and weakness. If the tumors have spread to the brain, the symptoms may also include seizures, numbness, and weakness in the legs. Moreover, the cancer may cause lumps in the lymph nodes or near the surface of the skin. Lung cancer patients should seek immediate medical care if any of these symptoms appear. They should not wait until these symptoms appear.
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Lung cancer symptoms in women are less common than those of men. However, men are more likely to have a lung tumor than women. A persistent cough may be the first sign of lung cancer, and it may be difficult to distinguish between a normal cough and a cough that is caused by the cancer. In addition, a cough with blood in it can be very painful. If it is persistent, it is a sign of lung cancer.
Other symptoms of lung cancer include a cough with blood. As the tumor nears the airway, it can cause wheezing and chest pressure. It can also spread to other parts of the body, including the adrenal gland, the brain, and the lymph nodes. This is known as hemoptysis. The presence of this type of tumour in the body is a major sign of lung cancer. This type of pulmonary disease can affect the body and affect the quality of life of the patient.
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The most common symptom of lung cancer is a persistent cough, but it can be attributed to other causes. It can be mild or severe, and may last for weeks or months. While the condition is usually not a sign of lung cancer, it can be the first symptom of the disease. Lung cancer may also affect the blood vessels in the body, which can lead to a heart attack. Further symptoms of lung cancer may include the following.