A lung cancer symptom is coughing up blood. A person with the disease may experience chest pain when breathing deeply or a raspy voice. Coughing up blood is a sign of lung cancer. In some cases, it can be difficult to breathe. It is important to call a doctor immediately. The next symptom is a narrowing of the airway passage. This condition can cause difficulty breathing and can be difficult to diagnose.
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Some patients develop painful chest or shoulder muscles. The exact reason for this symptom depends on the exact location of the tumor. Some patients experience numbness of the hands and feet, muscle weakness, or numbness. Other patients develop a stiff neck or a sore throat. The condition can also cause problems with the eyes. The enlarged pupil and eyelids can lead to severe headaches and a loss of vision. Some people may experience shortness of breath.
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Other lung cancer symptoms may include a cough. The cause of this symptom depends on the type of cancer, but it may be the result of a fluid accumulation around the lungs. If this fluid accumulates, it can make the affected lung difficult to expand when you inhale. This fluid may be drained with a thoracentesis procedure. Once the fluid has been removed, a stent is placed to keep the airway open and prevent the accumulation of fluid. A severe cough that causes blood can be a sign of advanced lung-cancer.
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Some of the signs and symptoms of lung cancer are listed below. Some people may experience bone pain, fractures, constipation, or increased abdominal girth. Others may suffer from diarrhea, a swollen spleen, and a yellowing of the skin. Other signs and symptoms include a chest infection, numbness, or weakness of the arms or legs. Some people also experience fatigue and an elevated heart rate.
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Lung cancer symptoms may include frequent respiratory infections. A cough may be the first symptom. Lung cancer may also be the cause of nausea and fatigue. These symptoms could be caused by tumors that are too close to the airway. Lung metastases can cause the patient to develop a fever, vomiting, and fatigue. These are the most common signs of lung cancer. Some people with the disease may experience a fever.
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Other symptoms of lung cancer include shortness of breath, fever, and chest pressure. This can be caused by fluid in the lung. In some cases, the patient may experience some or all of the above symptoms. The most common of these symptoms is a cough that has blood. Some lung cancers can spread to other parts of the body. Other signs and conditions associated with the disease include pain, headache, and bone and adrenal glands.
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Some of the other symptoms of lung cancer include shoulder pain, shortness of breath, and an increased risk of bleeding. The cancer may spread to the bone or adrenal glands. The symptoms of lung cancer may be accompanied by other conditions. Sometimes the symptoms of lung cancer can be misdiagnosed as other illnesses. If you have a family history of the disease, talk to your doctor about screening and treatment options. A doctor may recommend screening to rule out any other underlying diseases.
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If you have symptoms of lung cancer, you should go to your doctor immediately. An early diagnosis is essential to prevent a terminal disease. For example, shortness of breath can be a sign of stage three or four. In some cases, the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, which results in a different set of symptoms. It's important to consult with a medical professional if you suspect any of these symptoms.
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Usually, the first sign of lung cancer is a persistent cough. Women are more likely to experience this symptom than men. A cough is one of the most common symptoms of lung cancer. The patient may cough up sputum, and may have achy ribs. A persistent cough is another sign of lung cancer. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should contact your physician as soon as possible. Even a mild case of the disease can indicate that you need further treatment.