Although there are no specific tests or treatments for lymphoma that cause harm to the unborn child, many women who experience the disease may still want to be monitored by a doctor. This is because lymphoma symptoms may not be present in a woman's early pregnancy and treatments can cause harm to the baby. However, pregnant women can still have lymphoma tests and treatments if they are diagnosed in time.
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When the disease is in the bowel, you may experience abdominal pain, constipation, and diarrhea. Your skin will turn yellow, and your whites will turn a pale yellow. Your spleen may also swell. If the cancer is in your liver, you will have a lump on your tummy. In addition, lymphoma in the bone can lead to severe pain. The nodes can also press on nearby tissues. If lymphoma develops in the skin, it can cause a swollen stomach and other problems.
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People with risk factors for lymphoma should be checked by a doctor as soon as possible. There are many other medical conditions that may mimic the symptoms of lymphoma. If you are experiencing these symptoms, you should seek medical attention right away. Your doctor will conduct a physical exam to determine whether you have lymphoma. You may have to change your bed linen every few days. You should also be able to describe any other symptoms you are experiencing and discuss your overall health.
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You may also experience anemia. This is when your body's immune system does not work properly, leading to the development of cancer. When lymphoma occurs in the spleen, you may suffer from breathlessness, fatigue, and even a yellow tinge in your eyes. If lymphoma has spread to other parts of your body, you will experience anemia, which is an inadequate number of red blood cells.
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Night sweats are another symptom of lymphoma. A fever is a normal reaction to a hot room, but if it persists for more than a few weeks, you should see your doctor. You may also have enlarged lymph nodes in your body, which may feel like lumps under your skin. They are usually not painful, but they may be uncomfortable. Those with non-Hodgkin lymphoma will also experience gastritis, and anemia.
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In addition to fever, other signs of lymphoma include enlarged lymph nodes in the chest and spleen. This may cause an increased risk of blood clots and may cause a reduced appetite. If the nodes are enlarged, they may press on the tissues and may be painful. They may also affect your bowel movement. They can obstruct the flow of urine. Occasionally, you may also experience a swollen node in your neck or back.
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A swollen lymph node is a sign of lymphoma. Other symptoms of lymphoma may include fever, weight loss, and a decreased appetite. In some cases, patients may experience chest pain or diarrhoea. The patient may also experience night sweats. A patient with a swollen lymph node should be screened by a health care professional. If they have any of these symptoms, they should seek immediate medical attention.
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Swollen lymph nodes are a sign of lymphoma. They may be pressed on nearby organs and cause pain. If this happens, you may experience difficulty breathing or cough. Your symptoms will depend on the location of the lymph nodes in your body. A swollen lymph node can also affect your general health. If they press on your lungs, it can lead to a variety of other conditions.
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There are many different kinds of lymphoma. In some cases, it affects the bowel and may cause diarrhoea and constipation. Some patients experience vomiting and diarrhea as a result of lymphoma. If this is the case, you should consult your doctor immediately. While most lymphoma symptoms are not painful, they may be uncomfortable and may be a sign of other symptoms.
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Other symptoms of lymphoma include headache, vision problems, and facial numbness. These symptoms are often accompanied by a decreased red blood cell count. A patient may experience a high-grade lymphoma that has spread to the spinal cord. It can also spread to other parts of the body, including the brain. If these symptoms happen, it is important to seek medical care. If the symptoms are severe or persistent, you should seek immediate medical treatment.