The most common Lymphoma symptom is the enlargement of the spleen. It causes an uncomfortable feeling of fullness even after a small meal. Other symptoms include nausea and abdominal pain. A swollen spleen can also block the flow of urine, resulting in low urine output. A weakened immune system is also a common symptom of lymphoma. Listed below are some other signs and symptoms of lymphoma.
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Pain behind the ribs and bloating after eating a small amount of food may be signs of lymphoma. A swollen tummy is usually due to an enlarged spleen, but it can also be caused by other conditions. You may also notice a yellow tint in your whites or other areas of your skin. In severe cases, you may experience vomiting, diarrhea, and pain, which may affect your appetite.
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Fever is an abnormal body temperature, above 37.5 degrees Celsius. This may be intermittent, or it can be a persistent symptom of lymphoma. Your healthcare provider should be able to tell you if you have this symptom. Patients with this symptom should consult a physician immediately. If your fever persists, see your doctor immediately. If you have no other underlying health conditions, talk to your doctor about possible treatments.
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Some other lymphoma symptoms may include abdominal pain, diarrhoea, constipation, or vomiting. A swollen tummy is a sign that lymphoma has spread to the liver. The condition can also affect the eye. A patient may also experience a yellow tint in the whites of their eyes. In addition, a person with this disease may develop a yellow tinge in their eyes.
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Other symptoms of lymphoma may include a swollen tummy. The spleen is an organ in the body that produces white blood cells and contains lymph. If it is enlarging, it can cause pain and a yellow tinge in the whites of the eyes. The symptoms may also be worse when a person is lying down. These signs may also be symptoms of another condition.
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Other Lymphoma symptoms include a yellow tinge in the whites of the eyes and pain behind the ribs. Some people may also experience bloating and abdominal pain, and some patients may experience a yellow tinge in the white of their mouth. If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, it's best to see a doctor for a diagnosis and treatment. In many cases, the lymphoma symptoms are easily diagnosed.
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Other Lymphoma symptoms include fever, chills, and night sweats. Some of these symptoms may occur in the body or on the skin. If they're a persistent problem, it's time to visit your doctor. If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, you should be tested immediately. Moreover, you should take note of any lymphoma-related risks. When you have cancer, you should take the proper precautions to avoid its complications.
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A swollen lymphatic system can cause pain and swelling. It can also cause blood clots. Other symptoms include a dry cough or shortness of breath. Regardless of the cause, you should not ignore any of the above-mentioned symptoms. They may be a sign of lymphoma. You should see your healthcare provider immediately if you experience any of these signs. There are some signs and symptoms of lymphoma, so you should seek medical help for a diagnosis.
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Other Lymphoma symptoms include abdominal pain, constipation, and vomiting. When it's in the bowel, it can affect the flow of blood. The lymphatic tissue can also be affected. A swollen lymph node can cause a dry cough, and it can obstruct the bowel. A swollen node can also obstruct the lymphatic system. These symptoms may be difficult to identify, but they should be taken seriously.
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The most common lymphoma symptom is a swelling of the lymph nodes, which are located in the armpits and neck. Swelling lymph nodes can also cause bloating and pain. They may also turn white, causing an infection to spread. If these symptoms persist, you should see your doctor. In addition to the enlarged lymph nodes, you may also notice an enlarged spleen and a lower red blood cell count.