Male breast cancer is not as common as other types of cancer, but if detected early, you can take action to prevent the spread of the disease. While women are more likely to develop the condition, it is possible for men to develop the disease as well. If you think you might have breast cancer, it is helpful to know about the signs and symptoms of male-specific cancer. These symptoms can include irritation of the skin of the breasts, pain in the nipple area, or tenderness in these areas. Those with any of these symptoms should see a doctor immediately.
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The first sign of male breast cancer is typically a lump in the breast. Oftentimes, it's less serious than a woman's, but if you have a lump in your breast, you should see a doctor. Thankfully, this form of cancer is rare - men are one in 833 of developing the condition. Symptoms vary from person to person, but you should still visit your doctor to get a proper diagnosis.
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Other signs of male breast cancer include bleeding, oozing, or extreme redness in the breast. Your doctor may recommend a biopsy in order to confirm the diagnosis. A biopsy of the affected breast tissue will help determine whether or not you have breast cancer. The doctor will perform a variety of tests, including an X-ray of the chest. Ultrasound and MRI will help the physician see soft tissues and find a lump.
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The most common signs of male breast cancer include an abnormal lump in the chest and a clear discharge from the nipple. Often, the mass is different from the nipple, but it is important to see your doctor as soon as possible. The lump may also be painful, tender, and itchy. It may be attached to underlying muscles or tissues, or it may be free and move around. The skin may be red and puckered.
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If you notice a lump in your chest, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. Earlier diagnosis of male breast cancer is important because it can improve the overall prognosis of the disease. The most common signs of male breast cancer are tenderness in the chest or bone pain. While some men do not report their breast lumps, it is vital to visit a doctor as soon as possible if you notice a change in the area.
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One of the first signs of male breast cancer is a lump in the breast. This lump is often a hard pebble or knot that feels like a hard knot. Because most men don't check their breasts regularly, they may not notice these early warning signs. While most lumps are harmless, it is best to see a doctor if it seems unusual. The earlier a person is diagnosed with breast cancer, the easier it is to treat it.
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Some men may have a lump in the breast. This isn't necessarily cancer. Other types of abnormal breast tissue include cysts, fat necrosis, and firm scar tissue. There are also other signs of male breast cancer, such as a lump in the chest. Generally, men don't experience the symptoms of breast cancer, but they should consult a doctor if they notice anything. When a lump appears in the chest, it is a sign of metastatic breast tumor.
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Most male breast cancer patients will have a painful lump in the breast that can be difficult to locate. In addition to the pain, male breast cancer patients may experience a clear discharge from the nipple. However, the mass can be fixed to muscles or underlying tissue or can be freely mobile. It may appear as a dimpling or puckering skin tissue. The symptoms are most common in men.
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Other signs of male breast cancer are lumps in the breast or chest. The breast tissue may look larger or pucker, or it may appear enlarged. If the nipple is inverted, fluid will leak out of the gland. Several of these symptoms are indicative of male-specific breast cancer. If you notice any of these signs, you should see a doctor. If the lump is a painful, it may be a sign of a lump.