The most common Metastatic Cancer Symptoms are pain in the affected area, headaches, vision loss, seizures, and weakness. Bone metastases can cause severe pain in the affected area and elevated calcium levels in the blood. Pathological fracture can also occur if the cancer has spread to the bones. Other symptoms include reduced appetite and altered taste. Weight loss can be a symptom of liver metastasis.
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There are several different types of cancers that can cause these symptoms. These types of cancer usually develop in the liver, lymph nodes, or bones. Some cancers spread to the abdomen, resulting in fluid buildup in the abdominal cavity. Some forms of cancer spread to the skin, bones, or muscles. Other types of cancers can spread to the liver, pancreas, and stomach. If you think you might have any of these symptoms, you should immediately consult your healthcare provider.
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Another type of cancer may cause metastatic symptoms in the bones. This type of cancer causes increased susceptibility to fractures and can cause severe headaches. Inflammation in the legs is another common symptom of metastatic cancer. Patients with liver metastases may experience jaundice, a yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes. Other symptoms include vision loss, memory loss, speech disabilities, and personality changes.
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Some Metastatic Cancer Symptoms are more localized and more frequent, depending on where the cancer has spread. The brain may be the most common location to experience symptoms, with severe headaches and decreased vision. The skeletal system may also be affected, causing fatigue and swelling in the legs. Other symptoms of metastatic cancer include nausea, vomiting, and dizziness. Those suffering from lung cancer may experience an increased appetite and fatigue. People with this type of cancer can develop a weak immune system, personality changes, and increased vulnerability to fractures.
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Other Metastatic Cancer Symptoms are intense pain and increased susceptibility to fractures. In addition, patients with this type of cancer may experience an increased incidence of headaches, dizziness, and nausea. They may also lose sense of balance, experience optical blackouts, or become disoriented for short periods. Some of the symptoms of Metastatic Disease include: (*) There is no specific symptom of this disease. The most important thing to do is to seek medical help immediately.
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Depending on the location where the disease has spread, Metastatic cancer symptoms may include intense pain and increased susceptibility to fractures. Some of the symptoms of Metastatic Disease include dizziness and headaches, and can even affect the patient's ability to speak and move. Additionally, these symptoms may be accompanied by personality changes, a change in sleeping habits, and fatigue. These signs are not always confined to the spine.
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Other Metastatic Cancer Symptoms may include increased pain, weakness, and a decreased appetite. These symptoms may be localized or omnipresent. Depending on the location of the cancer, these symptoms may occur months after the primary cancer has been detected. If a person is experiencing these symptoms, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. These patients need immediate treatment. They may also experience physical changes, including fatigue, visual impairment, and personality changes.
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The most common Metastatic Cancer Symptoms are intense pain and increased susceptibility to fractures. In some cases, the pain can be localized or spread throughout the skeletal system. Some people experience frequent headaches or dizziness, while others experience vision problems and a lack of appetite. In most cases, the cancer has spread beyond the original site and is not localized. Some patients may experience the symptoms of Metastatic Cancer months after their primary cancer.
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There are several other symptoms of Metastatic Cancer. Intense pain and loss of appetite are common, but sometimes there are other signs of the disease. Increasingly, these symptoms may be localized in the area where the cancer has spread. Many people may have a fever and lose their appetite. While they are not indicative of Metastatic Breast Cancer, they are still signs of the disease. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should contact your healthcare professional immediately.
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Although most of the symptoms associated with Metastatic Cancer are related to the location of the disease, many people do not have any obvious symptoms of Metastatic Disease. Some people may have symptoms of Cancer in the lungs, but do not know they have this disease. Most people with the disease are not aware of the symptoms. Some cancer symptoms may be confused with the effects of the treatment, a common cold, or general ill health.