One of the most common cancer symptoms is the presence of metastases in the neck. This type of cancer is invasive and spreads through blood and lymph vessels. Surgery may be necessary to remove the cancer and the surrounding healthy tissue. A neck dissection may also be necessary for cancer that has spread to the lymph nodes and neck muscles. Patients who undergo this surgery may need physical therapy afterward. However, this type of surgery has its own risks.
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After the initial diagnosis, the doctor will conduct a physical exam focused on the head and neck. During this examination, the doctor will feel for any abnormalities, including the neck, mouth, and the lymph nodes in the neck. While the doctor may be able to feel the mass by palpating it, certain parts of the head and neck are not visible and may require special tools, including mirrors, lights, and a fiber-optic scope.
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In addition to symptoms in the neck, patients may experience a sore or a mass in the neck. Patients with cervical lymph nodes should receive full course of radiation therapy and a neck dissection. If the lymph nodes are massive, radiation therapy should be performed first. The radiation field should also encompass the nasopharynx, the base of the tongue, and the pyriform sinuses.
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If the disease has spread to other parts of the body, a biopsy of the neck can be performed. Fine needle aspiration or a core needle biopsy can be used to diagnose this type of cancer. The latter is recommended if the patient has a high-risk human papillomavirus or Epstein-Barr virus, as these can indicate a primary location of the cancer.
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The tumor may be any size, and the cancer may not have spread to distant sites. It may be found in one or two lymph nodes located on the same side as the primary tumor or the opposite side of the head. If the tumor has spread to lymph nodes larger than 6 cm in diameter, it is considered stage 4b. Cancer cells may also have spread to lymph nodes in distant locations. Symptoms of Metastatic Squamous Neck Cancer include:
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The first step in treating metastatic squamous neck cancer is to determine the diagnosis. Often, the cancer has spread to lymph nodes in the neck. It is not known how it spreads, but if it has, it is metastatic. If you have symptoms of this type of cancer, contact your doctor right away. You can also seek advice from a qualified medical professional, if you suspect a metastatic cancer in your neck.
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The treatment of metastatic squamous neck cancer is the same as the treatment of the primary tumor. The cancer cells are the same as those in the primary tumor, but they have spread to the neck. The primary tumor may have been diagnosed in another organ, such as the lung or intestine. In these cases, doctors will try to locate it first. Patients with metastatic cancer may experience pain in the neck, lump in the throat, or any combination of these symptoms.
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If you are diagnosed with metastatic squamous neck cancer, your doctor may prescribe radiation therapy. External beam radiation (EBRT) is the most common treatment for metastatic Squamous Neck Cancer, but there are other forms of radiation as well. External beam radiation affects the function of the thyroid gland, so a blood test to determine the amount of thyroid hormone in the body is necessary.
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Early-stage disease may be treated with radiation therapy alone, but for more advanced cancer, surgery and chemotherapy are generally required. Surgical excision alone has a 90 percent cure rate for T1-T3 tumors. Patients with involvement of the mandible or oral cavity have a poorer prognosis. However, this type of treatment can also cure cancer cells that have spread to the neck.
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Once the cancer has metastasized to the lymph nodes and other parts of the body, it can spread to other organs and cause death. It is especially common in people with weakened immune systems such as those with cancer, lymphoma, or who take medications that suppress the immune system. People with weakened immune systems are at a high risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma.
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Patients with metastatic Squamous Neck Cancer may have symptoms similar to those of early-stage squamous cell cancer. The most significant difference in survival is seen when a patient has a low-risk neck tumor that has spread to another part of the body. Patients with metastatic cancer may experience an increase in pain. In addition to reducing pain and improving symptoms, concurrent radiation and chemotherapy may be an alternative to surgery.