Metastatic Squamous neck cancer is a type of cancer where the cancerous squamous cells have spread to other parts of the body. It has a primary source in the lung, but is difficult to detect because it can be occult. This condition is treated the same way as the primary tumor. To determine the exact type of treatment for your cancer, talk with your doctor and undergo regular exams.
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Metastatic squamous neck cancer is caused by abnormal squamous cells that have spread from a primary source. This means that the cancer has not originated in the neck. However, in cases where it is not identified, symptoms can be more subtle. The most common symptom is a sore throat or lump in the neck. Some patients also have pain in the throat or chest.
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Patients typically present with a sore in the mouth. One third of patients may have a mass in the neck. Often, the condition is difficult to diagnose because the condition may be caused by another condition, such as a benign tumor. Moreover, the neck can be the site of secondary cancers. Because of this, it is important to seek a medical diagnosis for metastatic squamous neck cancer as soon as possible.
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Treatments for metastatic squamous neck cancer can vary. Surgery may involve a resection of the neck. Radiation therapy may be performed. Physical therapy may be necessary for a patient undergoing radical neck dissection. If the primary site is occult, chemotherapy and radiation may be used. Although the cure rate for T1 and T2 tumors is 80%, the mortality rate is much lower.
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Metastatic Squamous Neck Cancer is a type of cancer involving abnormal squamous cells in the neck and lymph nodes. The cancer usually begins in an organ, such as the lung, and spreads to other parts of the body. The most common symptoms of metastatic squamous neck cancer are a lump in the throat and a pain in the neck.
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The most common presenting symptom of metastatic squamous neck cancer is a lump in the mouth. About one-third of patients have a mass in the neck. Differential diagnosis of this disease is challenging because it may be due to another cancer or disease. Some of the other symptoms include a sore throat and a painful or tender lump in the neck. A biopsy may also reveal a small mass in the neck.
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The most common symptom of metastatic squamous neck cancer is a lump in the neck. In one-third of patients, they also experience a pain in the neck. A lump in the neck can be a sign of the cancer or may be a result of a benign disease. The most common type of treatment for metastatic squamous neck cancer includes chemotherapy and radiation.
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Most patients with metastatic squamous neck cancer have a sore in the mouth. About one-third of patients also present with a mass in the neck. A biopsy of the neck is required to rule out other cancers or diseases. In addition to the sore in the mouth, other symptoms include a sore in the throat and pain in the neck. Occasionally, a lump may be a tumor in the lungs or in the lymph nodes.
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In addition to the sore in the mouth, about a third of patients have a mass in the neck. A lump in the neck may be the first sign of metastatic squamous neck cancer. There are also a number of benign tumors that can occur in the neck. While it is possible to have metastatic squamous cell cancer in the mouth, the most common symptoms are the sore in the throat and pain in the neck.
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If the cancer in the neck has spread, it can be treated with surgery. The neck is a common site of metastatic squamous cell carcinoma. The lymph nodes are located at the base of the skull, neck, and head. The tumors in the neck may be in the throat or elsewhere in the body. The lymph nodes are also frequently involved in the process of spreading cancer.