Many people don't realize they have mouth cancer until it's too late. Fortunately, there are several symptoms that can help you determine if you have the disease. The first is pain in the mouth. Generally, pain in the mouth occurs during an ulcer. You can feel a lump in your mouth, but it can also be caused by other diseases. It is important to visit your doctor immediately if you notice lumps in your mouth or throat.
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Other symptoms of mouth cancer include a burning or painful sensation when chewing or swallowing. The pain is often worse when you are attempting to speak or chew. If you notice patches of tissue, or you experience difficulty in pronouncing certain sounds, you should see a doctor. A lump in the neck is another symptom of mouth cancer. If it's a lump, it could be a swollen lymph node.
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Other signs of mouth cancer include a change in voice. Your voice may become husky or sound like it's always cold, and you may have trouble breathing or swallowing. You may also experience an enlarged lymph node, which can cause a lump in your neck. Symptoms of mouth cancer are often accompanied by swelling in the lymph nodes. Unlike other forms of cancer, a lump that comes and goes does not mean you have it. Instead, a lump that keeps growing is a sign that you have mouth cancer.
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If you have any of the symptoms mentioned above, you should see your doctor for a medical check-up. Your doctor can perform diagnostic tests to diagnose the condition. Those with a lump in their neck are also a sign of mouth cancer. If the symptoms persist, you should visit a doctor for further testing. It is important to note that cancer of the mouth does not necessarily spread to other parts of the body.
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Squamous cell cancer is the most common form of mouth cancer and accounts for 90% of the cases. The most common type of squamous cell cancer is called squamous cell carcinoma. It starts out as a small, red, or white patch of tissue on the surface of the lips and tongue. When these areas start to grow in a pattern similar to an irregular shape, it is considered to be mouth cancer.
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The most common symptom is a lump. If you have a lump, it can be painful. It is important to see a doctor if you experience any of these symptoms. A doctor can also order diagnostic tests to help determine if you have cancer. It is important to be careful and see a doctor if you notice any abnormalities in your mouth. A biopsy will determine if the cancer has spread to other parts of the body.
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A biopsy may be needed to diagnose the disease. A sample of the tissue is taken for analysis. A doctor can use a fine needle to take the sample. It is important to see a doctor if you have any of these symptoms. However, if the symptoms are not clear, you should consult with a medical professional. They can order diagnostic tests and check for signs of cancer. A patch of tissue or growths on the mouth should be seen by a doctor.
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You may have noncancerous conditions in your mouth. These include erythroplakia, leukoplakia, and pyoderma. The two types are characterized by a white or red area that may be flat or slightly raised. Both are cancerous, but there are other possible causes. Some people have a precancerous condition in their mouth that can be an early warning sign.
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These symptoms are common and can be quite scary. Thankfully, you can easily get the treatment you need to live a cancer-free life. Fortunately, you can learn about the symptoms of mouth cancer so that you can be aware of your condition and take action. You may even be able to detect the disease before it spreads. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should visit a doctor right away. They can order diagnostic tests and help you determine if you have the disease.