Symptoms of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia syndromes differ from one another. Some are more obvious, while others are more subtle. Type 1 is more common, accounting for more than half of cases. MEN1 is caused by a mutation in a gene known as MEN1. However, type 2 is not as common as type 1, and its symptoms are less visible than those of type 1.
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Multiple endocrine neoplasia is an inherited condition that involves endocrine glands. The hormones produced by these glands help regulate various organs and processes in the body. Tumors in these glands can cause overactivity or underactivity. The symptoms of this condition range from kidney stones and weakness to weight loss. While many people may not experience symptoms, the disease can be debilitating, causing severe pain and debilitating illness.
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The symptoms of multiple endocrine neoplasia are different for every patient. Some may experience muscle pain, constipation, and weakness, while others experience fatigue or a loss of appetite. Hyperparathyroidism can lead to kidney stones and bone thinning. In most cases, the disorder develops before the age of 50. Those suffering from the disease should seek medical advice as soon as possible.
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A symptom of multiple endocrine neoplasia may include high blood pressure, headaches, excessive sweating, and heart palpitations. While MEN syndromes are inherited, treatment is based on the changes in the individual gland. The goal of multiple endocrine neplasia is to control symptoms and prevent complications. Most MEN patients will have a tumor by the time they reach 50.
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The symptoms of multiple endocrine neoplasia syndromes are very different for each individual, and can vary greatly from person to person. The symptoms will depend on the affected glands. In most cases, hyperparathyroidism causes a feeling of tiredness, thinning of the bones, and muscle pain. In many cases, MEN will affect the entire body.
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A person with multiple endocrine neoplasia will have tumors in each of their glands. MEN1 is a genetic condition and is hereditary. Because of the risk of developing this disorder, MEN1 patients will have symptoms of hyperparathyroidism. MEN1 has no known cure. Most patients with MEN1 will experience at least one of its symptoms.
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MEN1 is the most common type of MEN. In type 2 the symptoms include abnormalities in a gene, which results in multiple endocrine neoplasia. Both types have similar signs. In type 1, the disease is inherited and usually develops in childhood. When diagnosed, MEN is usually the result of a mutation in a gene. In either case, the symptoms will vary from person to person.
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If you have a tumor in your pancreas, you should consult your doctor immediately. If the tumor is not cancerous, you should not worry about it. Your body will produce hormones in order to keep your body healthy. If you're concerned about the symptoms of multiple endocrine neoplasia, you should seek medical help. Counseling is a good option for those suffering from this disorder.
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There is no specific cure for multiple endocrine neoplasia syndromes. Doctors often treat the symptoms of multiple endocrine neoplasma syndromes, addressing the changes to each individual gland. A genetic test is available to determine the cause of the disorder. In some cases, there may be a family history of the disorder. Depending on the cause of the syndrome, treatment options may vary.
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While the symptoms of type 1 are similar in each case, the symptoms of type 2 can be different from one another. Most often, these syndromes affect the parathyroid gland and pituitary gland. MEN2A causes medullary thyroid cancer while MEN2B causes tumors in the adrenal gland. Children with MEN2A may require genetic testing for MEN2A.
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MEN2 has three subtypes: type 2A and type 2. In 90% of cases, MEN2 is familial and occurs in both men and women. Most people with multiple endocrine neoplasia will develop medullary thyroid carcinoma. In the other subtypes, the tumors will occur in the endocrine glands. When this happens, a patient will have symptoms of both types of MEN.