Mycosis Fungoides is an inflammatory skin disease that starts as flat, scaly, red, or pink patches. It can also progress to internal organs. Common areas affected include the back, buttocks, and folds of the skin. Some patients experience ulcerations. The disease may lead to hair loss. The most common symptom is a red, scaly, itchiness-producing rash.
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Mycosis Fungoides symptoms occur in phases, each characterized by its own rash and skin changes. In some cases, it may develop into a complication known as Sezary syndrome if high levels of Sezary cells are found in the skin. The first phase of the disease is called premycotic, and it can be difficult to diagnose at this stage. In the second phase, it can lead to small, raised, red bumps, and then ulcerations.
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Mycosis Fungoides can look like other skin conditions, such as psoriasis or eczema. Dermatologists may recommend a biopsy to check for signs of cancer. Biopsies can take several tries to identify the disease. Depending on the stage of the disease, corticosteroids and ultraviolet treatment may be prescribed. However, you should not delay treatment because the itch may recur.
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The first stage of the disease is known as early stage 1. The majority of patients who have mycosis fungoides will not progress to more advanced stages. As the disease progresses, however, it may progress to an internal organ. If this happens, it could indicate a malignancy. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, see your physician immediately. He will be able to give you the appropriate treatment.
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Mycosis Fungoides is an acquired disease. It has no obvious genetic or occupational link. However, some researchers suspect that exposure to Agent Orange, a herbicide used during World War II, could be a risk factor for the disease. In addition, exposure to Agent Orange may cause mycosis fungoides. In general, it is important to know the symptoms of Mycosis Fungoides.
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Treatments for Mycosis Fungoides include phototherapy and radiotherapy. Phototherapy uses ultraviolet light to kill cancer cells in the blood. Like blood donation, photopheresis treatment removes T-cells from the blood. After the treatment, the treated T-cells are mixed back into the patient's blood. This method is most common for advanced cases of the disease. Photopheresis therapy helps to boost the immune system's attack on other cancer cells. However, it can worsen the dryness. To prevent aggravate the dryness caused by MF, it is important to take short, lukewarm showers. You should avoid rubbing the affected area to prevent further irritants.
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Mycosis Fungoides is a low-grade type of lymphoma. It develops from abnormal T-cells in the skin. In patients with Mycosis Fungoides, the condition may spread to internal organs. It often affects the skin and lymph nodes. However, it does not spread to the bone marrow. There is no cure for Mycosis Fungoides.
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People with Mycosis Fungoides can experience plaques, patches, and tumors. Fortunately, this cancer is not widespread, though in 10% of cases, it has spread to the lymph nodes or other organs. A more serious version of the disease, known as Sezary syndrome, affects the whole body and has cancerous cells in the blood. It is harder to treat and has a longer prognosis than the former.
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Mycosis Fungoides is a type of blood cancer and the most common form is mycosis fungoides. A diagnosis can be made by a biopsy of a small sample of tissue from the affected area. The pathologist analyzes the cells and tissues in the biopsy and determines the stage of the disease. If a biopsy is positive, treatment is likely to include a course of chemotherapy.
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The cancer of mycosis fungoides has four stages. Stages range from I(1) to IV(4). The lower the number, the lower the risk of spread. The higher the number, the greater the risk of recurrence. Stages can be difficult to diagnose on a visual skin exam and may be mistaken for other diseases. Lymph node biopsy and a biopsy of the skin are needed to diagnose this disease. However, with treatment, symptoms may be controlled and patients can live normal lives.