What are Myelodysplastic Syndromes? This disorder affects the immune system. It affects the development of blood cells in the bone marrow. Normally, stem cells form the blood's red, white, and platelets. When affected, these stem cells die. As a result, a person is susceptible to infections, bleeding, and other conditions caused by a lack of healthy blood cells.
The symptoms of myelodysplastic syndromes are caused by low blood cell counts.
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Treatments are geared towards alleviating symptoms and improving quality of life. Drug therapy may also be used. Some patients are cured of the disease with aggressive chemotherapy, and others may benefit from a stem cell transplant. While there is no cure for myelodysplastic syndromes, doctors can recommend the use of stem cell therapy in order to improve survival rates and prolong life.
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The disease may develop into leukemia, but it rarely causes it. Although MDS can be fatal, it is rare before the age of 50. Most cases occur after age 70. Exposure to tobacco smoke, radiation, or other substances is believed to cause genetic changes in the bone marrow. Random factors may also cause the condition. Initially, people with MDS may not experience symptoms, and doctors usually diagnose it when their blood counts drop significantly.
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Another form of Myelodysplastic Syndromes is a type of refractory anemia. Refractory anemia is characterized by a ring of iron around the nuclei of red blood cells. It may progress to leukemia in about 10% to 15% of cases. Patients with RARS will have a prolonged lifespan and may even experience refractory anemia.
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Treatment for Myelodysplastic Syndromes includes a course of chemotherapy and bone marrow transplant. The goal of treatment is to alleviate symptoms while keeping the disease in check. While early symptoms may be nonexistent, they can help identify the disease and determine the treatment options. In some cases, patients may experience breathing difficulties or feel fatigued. They may also experience other complications, such as infection and anemia.
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Most MDS patients suffer from anemia. The low levels of hemoglobin and hematocrit are a result of the disorder. Anemia affects many functions of the body, including the ability to produce red blood cells. Anemia can cause headaches, pallor, and fatigue. Anemia can also lead to the formation of more blood platelets and neutrophils. It is also possible to experience thrombocytopenia.
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The most common form of Myelodysplastic Syndromes is refractory cytopenia with multilineage dysplasia, or RCMD. This type of MDS has very low levels of two types of blood cells, and in about ten percent of cases, these patients can develop leukemia. As with other types of MDS, the life expectancy of patients with RCMD is low: about half of them die within two years of diagnosis.
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Luckily, treatments for Myelodysplastic Syndromes are available to treat the disease. Treatments that increase the number of mature red blood cells include decitabine and azacitidine. Azacitina kills uncontrollable dividing cells while decitabine promotes the expression of genes that help cells mature. Patients with Myelodysplastic Syndromes who have high blast counts are also treated with chemotherapy.
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A common symptom of Myelodysplastic Syndromes is anaemia. While symptoms vary, they are all related to low levels of blood cells. Anemia leads to fatigue, pale skin, and increased need for sleep. Low white and platelet levels increase the risk of fungal infections and bacterial infections. People with low white blood cells are at risk for excessive bleeding and bruising. Additionally, patients with low white blood cell counts are more susceptible to recurring infections.