People with Myelodysplastic Syndromes have low blood cell counts for at least one blood cell type. This is called cytopenia. The blood and bone marrow also contain abnormal blood cells. A person with this disease is at risk of infection and bleeding easily, as their immune system is weak. Some symptoms of this condition may be painful and life-threatening. This article will discuss what you should do if you have signs and symptoms of Myelodysplastic Syndromes.
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Myelodysplastic syndromes are divided into subtypes based on the type of blood cells affected. If you have the del(5q) chromosome, your red blood cell count will be lower than normal. In addition, you may have anemia or a reduced number of mature blood cells. In addition to the symptoms of Myelodysplastic Syndromes, you should be aware of the possible side effects of chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
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Treatment of Myelodysplastic Syndromes varies based on your specific type of the disease. It depends on the symptoms of Myelodysplastic Syndromes and your overall health. Because it's a chronic disease with no known cure, the general goal of treatment is to control your symptoms and improve your quality of life. Treatment options can range from chemotherapy to blood transfusions, and sometimes even bone marrow stem cell transplants.
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Myelodysplastic syndromes, or MDS, are a group of blood cancers that affect bone marrow. Because the bone marrow does not produce fully mature blood cells, immature blood cells are released into the bloodstream, crowding out healthy blood cells. Because of this, you have less healthy blood cells and an increased risk of infections and diseases. You should consult with a medical professional immediately if you suspect you are suffering from any of these symptoms.
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People with MDS are also more likely to develop Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Despite this risk, there are no effective treatments for MDS. Currently, the only cure is a stem cell transplant, but the disease rarely develops before the age of 50. Most cases are diagnosed after age 70. Treatment of MDS focuses on managing the symptoms, slowing the disease and preventing secondary complications.
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The severity of Myelodysplastic Syndromes is variable. Some people progress rapidly, while others experience no symptoms for decades. Around 50 percent of people with MDS will eventually develop acute myeloid leukemia. This transition is accompanied by a worsening of marrow function and the accumulation of undeveloped immature blood cells called blasts. Blasts suppress the remaining marrow cells.
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One of the most common forms of Myelodysplastic Syndromes, RAEB, is characterized by low levels of at least two types of blood cells. This disease causes low levels of red blood cells, which are known as anemia. However, white blood cell levels and platelet counts remain normal. The prognosis for patients with RAEB-2 is excellent and they can lead long and productive lives.
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Myelodysplastic Syndromes are cancers of the blood cells. Earlier, these cancers were classified as preleukemia, but recent studies have found that these conditions are associated with higher risks for AML. This makes it necessary to undergo a thorough diagnosis by a medical professional. You'll need to undergo bone marrow and blood tests to confirm the condition. If you have abnormal blood cells, your doctor may recommend treatment for these symptoms.
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The most common symptom of MDS is fatigue, caused by the low number of red blood cells in your blood. Patients with anemia experience extreme tiredness and sleepiness. In addition to fatigue, you may feel lightheaded, dizzy, or palpitations. If your blood counts are low enough, you may also experience increased risk for bacterial infections, which could lead to serious complications. Furthermore, you might experience spontaneous bleeding and excessive bruising. In some cases, these abnormal blood cells may also cause nasal congestion and shortness of breath.
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Treatment of Myelodysplastic Syndromes is centered on easing the symptoms. This is sometimes referred to as palliative or supportive care. If you are experiencing any symptoms, make sure to talk to your health care team to find out what your doctor is recommending. For more information about the treatments available, see the next section of this article. You may want to ask your doctor about the different tests for MDS symptoms.
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Treatment for Myelodysplastic Syndromes starts with a bone marrow biopsy. Blood tests will reveal if your disease has affected your blood cell production. Your doctor will perform a bone marrow biopsy if necessary to confirm the diagnosis. A bone marrow transplant can help if your condition is severe enough to require treatment. You may need to take blood transfusions and oxygen for a while to prevent anemia.