What Are the Myelodysplastic Syndromes? A condition in which blood stem cells fail to mature, resulting in a decrease in the number of blood cells. These cells remain in the bone marrow and die before they can reach the blood stream. When this happens, the bone marrow does not produce enough new blood cells and is full of immature blood cells. As a result, blood cells are not replaced by enough new ones to keep the body running. The resulting lack of blood cells leads to a high risk of serious health complications.
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Treatment for MDS varies widely, depending on the type of disease and the patient's condition. Mild forms of treatment include blood transfusion and growth factors to help regenerate bone marrow. Treatment may also include bone marrow transplants. Although there is no cure for the disease, the treatment is aimed at alleviating symptoms and controlling disease progression. Depending on the symptoms and the severity of the condition, treatments may include a combination of stem cell transplant, chemotherapy, and other options.
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In addition to bone marrow thrombocytopenia and acute myeloid leukemia, refractory cytopenia with ringed (RA) syndromes is another condition that affects blood cells. In both diseases, immature red blood cells become inflamed and have iron deposits surrounding their nuclei. If not treated quickly, these cells can develop into leukemia.
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One of the most common symptoms of MDS is anemia. Although most patients don't have leukemia, people with MDS-U don't develop leukemia. As a result, their prognosis is generally favorable. In some cases, treatment for MDS may help reverse the effects of chemotherapy or radiation therapy. But it is important to seek medical advice for any type of treatment, as symptoms can come and go.
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Among the most common Myelodysplastic Syndromes symptoms are decreased blood count, shortness of breath, and increased pain. The disease can be detected with periodic blood tests. As blood cells in the bone marrow die prematurely, the patient's blood count will drop. He or she may also feel tired or breathe more heavily than usual. A doctor will also prescribe a prescription to help manage these symptoms.
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There is no cure for Myelodysplastic Syndromes, so treatments are centered on reducing the disease's complications. While treatments for Myelodysplastic Syndromes often focus on reducing the disease's complications, the goal is to stop the growth of new cells and restore normal function of the blood. In the end, the condition leads to acute myeloid leukemia and anemia, which can lead to infections and other complications.
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Symptoms of Myelodysplastic Syndromes vary, depending on the type of the disease and the extent of its progression. Many of the symptoms are mild at first but worsen over time. Some people with MDS have no symptoms, and they find out about the condition after having blood tests for another disease. Other people with MDS develop a life-threatening form of the disease called acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). This transformation takes many years, and the risk of developing AML depends on the type of MDS and the ratio of normal to abnormal blood cells.
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Although MDS is not a true cancer, it is a rare condition. It is often mistakenly referred to as preleukemia because the cancer cells in this disease behave differently from those of preleukemia. Experts tend to view this condition as a separate type of cancer. But the condition may be a precursor to leukemia. You should seek medical attention for your condition as early as possible.
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The symptoms of MDS are largely dependent on the type of blood cells that are damaged and short-lived. Patients with severe anemia may experience fatigue, palpitations, lightheadedness, and a pale complexion. A decreased white blood cell count is another risk factor for patients with MDS. As a result, patients with anemia may be more susceptible to skin and sinus infections. Their shortness of breath and nasal congestion can indicate a bacterial infection.