When the tissues in the nose and sinuses become cancerous, the condition is known as nasal cavity and paranasal sinus cancer. The cancers develop from cells in the mucosa, which is the layer of mucus-producing tissue. The American Cancer Society reports approximately 2,000 cases of paranasal sinus cancers each year. Four out of five cases occur in people over the age of 55, and men are more likely to develop the disease than women.
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The main symptoms of this cancer are nasal blockage, sinus bleeds, facial swelling, loosened upper teeth, double vision, and a cough. Although there are no specific causes of nasal cavity and sinus cancer, environmental factors may play a role in the development of these cancers. Experts at Johns Hopkins University are studying the role of human papillomavirus infection in the development of nasal and sinus cancer.
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Because the symptoms of nasal cavity and paranasal sinus cancer are similar to those of a cold, most people do not seek outpatient treatment. However, if the symptoms persist for more than a couple of weeks, it is time to get evaluated by a health care provider. Earlier diagnosis improves the chances of successful treatment. If the symptoms persist, see your doctor immediately.
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Detection of nasal cavity and sinus cancer requires a physical exam. A medical professional will ask about your symptoms and medical history, and examine your nose, ears, and neck to determine whether the cancer has spread. If a diagnosis is made, a doctor may recommend a biopsy. The tissue is taken out and examined under a microscope by a pathologist. The treatment for sinus and nasal cancer depends on the location and type of tumor.
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Symptoms of nasal cavity and paranasal sinus cancer are similar to those of the common cold and sinusitis. Often, the tumors appear as painless masses, and they may not be detected until they reach an advanced stage. Other symptoms include unilateral nasal obstruction, nasal discharge, or epistaxis. Tumors in the maxillary antrum don't typically have early symptoms, and patients may report facial pain, a mass, or cranial nerve deficit. Patients with these conditions may also develop facial swelling and an intraoral mass. Although rare, a primary sphenoidal sinus tumor may present with symptoms such as diplopia.
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Most patients with this type of tumor will be treated by surgery or minimally invasive surgery. Because sinus cancer is located near the eyes and brain, surgery is the most common treatment for this type of condition. It is important to note that a surgeon tries to remove the entire tumor during surgery while keeping the patient's appearance and function normal. It is best to consult with your doctor to determine the best treatment for your specific case.
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In addition to radiation therapy, surgery is also an option. The doctor will perform a surgical procedure and give the patient an injection of a medication to stop the growth of the tumor. This will stop the cancer from growing and spreading. If the tumor has spread, chemotherapy will prevent it from spreading. This treatment is a last resort, but it is necessary for cancer patients with paranasal sinus tumors.
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Although the cause of paranasal sinus cancer is unknown, many factors are thought to increase the likelihood of developing this condition. Certain genetic changes in the lining of the paranasal sinuses and exposure to radiation may lead to DNA mutations. Most people with this type of cancer do not exhibit any symptoms until it is well-established. However, there are some symptoms that may be a warning sign.
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A biopsy is an important first step in diagnosing the disease in the nasal cavity and sinuses. The biopsy takes a sample of tumor tissue. A pathologist will examine the sample to determine the type of cancer. Sometimes, a doctor may also use special X-rays to determine the depth and spread of the cancer. Once all the details are available, the doctor can determine whether or not the cancer is still in its early stages and what treatment options might be best for the patient.