There are several symptoms to look for if you are concerned about a possible Nasopharyngeal cancer. Depending on the type of cancer, treatment options may vary. Surgical treatment may include removing a mass or cancerous cells, but it may also involve reconstructive surgery. Targeted drug therapy may also be used, which attacks abnormal cells within the cancer. Your healthcare provider may recommend a surgical procedure if you experience any of the symptoms described above.
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The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has published a summary of the latest information on treatments for nasopharyngeal cancer. The summary is based on an independent review of medical literature, and does not represent NCI policy or guidelines. The summary contains current information on treatment options for adult patients with nasopharyngeal cancer. However, it is important to note that PDQ cancer information summaries are not formal guidelines or recommendations.
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A small lump on your neck is another symptom of a nasopharyngeal cancer. These lumps are inflamed lymph nodes. While most lymph nodes are small and are not associated with cancer, those invaded by cancerous cells may swell to a size several times larger than normal. If you notice any of these symptoms, you should see a healthcare professional right away.
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Treatment for nasopharyngeal cancer usually involves surgery. The symptoms are very similar to those of other diseases, so it is important to seek immediate medical attention if you notice any of these. Early detection is important because the cancer is much easier to treat and the outcome is much higher. A pathologist will review the tissue you have removed from your nasopharynx and recommend a treatment plan.
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While the exact cause of nasopharyngeal cancer is still unknown, some types of food have been linked to an increased risk of developing the disease. Eating less or avoiding certain foods can reduce the risk of developing the disease. Foods from parts of Asia and northern Africa are especially high risk factors for developing the disease. People from Southeast Asia and native Americans have lower incidence of nasopharyngeal cancer compared to Caucasians and white people.
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The survival rates for nasopharyngeal cancer are based on the survival rate for people who had the disease five years earlier. Although survival rates are improving, the age of the patient and overall health can also affect the rate of survival. The higher the stage number, the more advanced the cancer is. However, nasopharyngeal cancer patients who have had surgery should not be too discouraged.
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Surgery may be required to remove the tumor and a portion of healthy tissue. Surgery is not an option for everyone, though. Because it is difficult to reach and is located near blood vessels and cranial nerves, surgery may be necessary. Surgery may include a neck dissection, which removes the cancer and lymph nodes in the neck. A neck dissection may be necessary in the case of undifferentiated Nasopharyngeal cancer.
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As with other types of cancer, Nasopharyngeal Cancer can cause a variety of symptoms. Early diagnosis is key in determining the cancer stage. A physician will perform imaging tests and physical exams to diagnose the condition. However, the symptoms can be difficult to recognize, as they mimic the symptoms of more common conditions. In most cases, treatment includes chemotherapy and radiation therapy. If you do experience any of the symptoms, it is important to seek immediate medical attention.
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Nasopharyngeal Cancer Symptom - A tumor on the lining of the nasopharynx can cause difficulty popping or releasing the ears. The tumor may block the Eustachian tubes or cause fluid to accumulate in the middle ear. Specialists at the Johns Hopkins cancer center will help you determine the severity of the tumor and the appropriate treatment. If the tumor is detected early, the cancer can be removed and the patient can return to normal activities.
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Treatment for advanced stages of Nasopharyngeal Cancer includes chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Advanced cancers may spread to lymph nodes and other organs. If not detected early, nasopharyngeal cancer can spread to other areas of the body, including the lungs and brain. Most advanced cases of Nasopharyngeal Cancer are curable, and the survival rate is 50 percent. Younger people tend to have higher survival rates than older people.