There are many different types of nasopharyngeal cancer. The most common type is non-keratinizing undifferentiated carcinoma. The second most common type is atypical nasopharyngeal cancer. The most common type is non-keratinizing differentiated carcinoma, but there are other types as well. Read on for more information on each type.
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There are many tests available to detect Nasopharyngeal Cancer. Your primary care physician can perform a physical exam to make a diagnosis. Your doctor can also order scans to check for any abnormalities in the neck. If you develop any of these symptoms, it's time to see a doctor as soon as possible. Often, a simple physical exam can reveal cancer cells, or they can refer you to a head and neck specialist.
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A lump in the neck is one of the earliest symptoms of nasopharyngeal cancer. These lumps are caused by inflamed lymph nodes. Normally, lymph nodes are small and not painful, but when cancer cells invade them, they grow to several times their normal size. These lumps should be examined by a medical professional if they do not appear in conjunction with other warning signs of nasopharyngeal cancer.
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Another treatment option for nasopharyngeal cancer is external radiotherapy. External radiotherapy involves directing high-energy radiation beams at a specific area to destroy cancer cells. Another treatment method is called intensity-modulated radiation therapy. This method involves placing radioactive wires or seeds into the tumor, where the radiation is directed to the cancer. This method is often the only option for small tumors.
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A multidisciplinary team of medical professionals will evaluate you and determine the best treatment options for your particular condition. Most nasopharyngeal cancers are treated using chemotherapy and radiotherapy. While surgery is not generally the primary treatment for nasopharyngeal cancer, it can be an excellent option for some patients. Depending on the stage of the cancer, your doctor may recommend a combination of the two.
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In the early stages, the doctor will use ultrasound to make a detailed image of the head. This will help him decide if the cancer has spread beyond the nasopharynx. If the cancer has spread to distant areas, it will be treated with radiation therapy. This treatment option is usually used for stage I nasopharyngeal cancer. If you do not experience any of these symptoms, visit a physician to have your condition diagnosed. The earlier it is detected, the easier it will be to treat.
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After radiation therapy and concomitant therapy, your doctor will often recommend chemotherapy. This treatment is intended to kill the cancer cells that remain in the body after the radiation therapy. This may include cancer cells that have spread from the original tumor or have already metastasized elsewhere. There is controversy about whether or not chemotherapy works, and some people simply cannot tolerate the side effects. However, neoadjuvant chemotherapy is used before radiation therapy. However, more research is needed to confirm whether chemotherapy is effective.
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In addition to the symptoms above, there are several risk factors that you should be aware of. If you drink a lot, you are more likely to develop the cancer, which is the most common type. For more information, you can read more about nasopharyngeal cancer symptoms. You may also be suffering from nasal blockage, ear pain, and throat swelling. The cancer may even cause a ringing in your ears or a severe sore throat.
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After treatment for your initial stage of the disease, the cancer may spread to the bones in the neck and jaw, the lymph nodes on either side of the neck, the muscles of the face, or the sinuses around the eyes. It can also spread to distant lymph nodes on either side of your neck. Your doctors will likely recommend surgery if chemotherapy is ineffective. Some patients may also opt for palliative care to alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy.