Nasopharyngeal cancer symptoms are relatively uncommon in the United States, but they should not be ignored. These symptoms should not be ignored, even if they are not accompanied by other signs of cancer. Your healthcare provider will perform a physical examination and check for any abnormal masses in the neck, which are often indicative of nasopharyngeal cancer. They may refer you to a specialist in the field of head and neck cancer to receive further testing.
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One of the most common symptoms of nasopharyngeal cancer is a small lump in the back of the neck. While most lymph nodes are small and don't cause much discomfort, those infected with cancer may swell to several times their normal size. These lumps may be difficult to detect in the early stages, but if they do develop, it's best to see a medical professional right away.
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Treatments for nasopharyngeal cancer vary depending on its stage. A patient may undergo a biopsy to diagnose the disease. If the cancer has spread, treatment may include chemotherapy or radiation. Both treatments may be used together. The first option, surgery, can be done after an operation to remove the cancer cells. The second option, chemotherapy, is performed if the cancer has spread beyond the nasopharynx.
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As a result, patients may experience several symptoms before seeking medical treatment. A GP may refer a patient to a hospital for further tests to rule out other problems and confirm the diagnosis of nasopharyngeal cancer. During the procedure, a small piece of the tumor will be removed (called a biopsy sample), which will be sent to a lab for further analysis.
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A doctor can diagnose nasopharyngeal cancer through the use of certain signs. A stuffy nose, difficulty breathing, and pain in the neck and ear are all possible signs of nasopharyngeal cancer. In addition to the symptoms, the doctor will also examine nearby organs to check for signs of cancer. If these signs sound familiar to you, it is a good idea to see your doctor immediately.
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As with most cancers, nasopharyngeal cancer can strike anyone. It occurs most frequently in adults between the ages of 30 and 50. Exposure to chemicals, such as those released from salt-cured foods, increases the risk of developing nasopharyngeal cancer. However, some risk factors are genetic. It is also linked to the consumption of salt-cured foods, as well as an increased risk of getting mononucleosis.
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Other nasopharyngeal cancer symptoms include frequent ear infections and bloody nasal discharge. Sometimes, tumors may be large enough to impede your ability to hear and speak. However, these symptoms are not enough to diagnose nasopharyngeal cancer. Consult a healthcare provider if any of these symptoms persist. They may be the first sign of a more serious illness.
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Although symptoms of nasopharyngeal cancer are usually non-specific, some can be indicative of other disorders. Some of these signs may include a lump in the neck, difficulty hearing in one or both ears, and blurred vision. Patients should seek medical attention if they suspect these symptoms. The sooner they are diagnosed, the better. It is important to note that a doctor can confirm the diagnosis and provide a treatment plan if necessary.
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The most common type of nasopharyngeal cancer is squamous cell carcinoma, which starts in the lining of the nasopharynx. It is more common in countries with hot climates, including southern China and Southeast Asia. The Epstein-Barr virus is often responsible for the development of nasopharyngeal cancer. Nasopharyngeal cancer is a life-threatening condition, so it is important to seek medical attention immediately.
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The good news is that nasopharyngeal cancer is curable if detected early. Whether or not you will survive depends on where and how advanced the cancer is, and the stage in which it has spread. The overall five-year survival rate is approximately 61%. Treatment success is important, however, because it can't guarantee your survival. This is why it's so important to diagnose your symptoms early.
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Treatment for patients with locally advanced nasopharyngeal cancer typically includes concurrent chemotherapy with radiation. Adjuvant chemotherapy has not been standardized for this type of cancer, but has shown significant improvements in overall survival and progression-free survival. Patients with locally advanced disease should be treated with adjuvant chemotherapy followed by 5-fluorouracil. If treatment is unsuccessful, the disease may recur locally or elsewhere.