Early symptoms of nasopharyngeal cancer may not cause you to visit the doctor, but if you notice that your nasal discharge is unusual, it is a good idea to schedule an appointment. Cancer develops when genes alter the DNA of normal cells and the tumor starts to grow and invade the surrounding structures. When this happens, it can spread to other parts of the body, including lymph nodes. Nasopharyngeal cancer typically begins in squamous cells and spreads to distant organs and lymph nodes.
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Your healthcare provider may perform a complete physical exam and ask about any recent changes in symptoms. They may also look for lymph nodes that may be enlarged and cancerous. A CT scan of the neck and head may reveal the presence of cancerous growths and enlarged lymph nodes. A CT scan may also reveal cancer in the bones at the base of the skull. If this is found, treatment will begin.
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Surgery is another treatment option. Unlike surgery, chemotherapy can help treat the disease without damaging the surrounding healthy tissues. It is usually administered in several three to four-week cycles with a recovery period. It is also used to remove cancer cells and other tissues from the neck. If it is recurrent, your healthcare provider may perform chemotherapy. During treatment, patients may also undergo radiotherapy. As with other forms of radiation therapy, chemotherapy may be combined with surgery.
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Early signs of nasopharyngeal cancer may include a lump in the back of the neck. This lump is not usually painful, but it may be so tender that it causes nosebleeds. In addition, the cancer can spread to the base of the skull, where complex nerves and blood vessels lie. The area around the base of the skull separates the brain from other structures in the head. In this case, tumors press on these nerves and may cause headaches, blurred vision, or even facial paralysis.
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Patients should be aware that they should be careful and consult with their primary care providers for treatment options. The doctor may suggest surgery to remove the tumor and lymph nodes. However, chemotherapy is not suitable for all patients. In this case, patients should consult their primary care providers and an oncologist. If symptoms persist, they should visit the doctor immediately. A diagnosis may be difficult to come by, but it is possible to receive effective treatment.
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People of Asian descent are most likely to develop nasopharyngeal cancer. People from the South China Sea are at greater risk. Although the incidence is low in the US, it is common in some parts of Asia and the Middle East. Immigrants from Asia are also at increased risk. Symptoms of nasopharyngeal cancer can mimic other illnesses, which is why it is vital to see a doctor for proper diagnosis.
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Treatments for nasopharyngeal cancer may be very different, based on the type of cancer. Surgical treatments are the most effective if it is not already advanced. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy are used to treat advanced nasopharyngeal cancer, which is curable with proper medical care. Although this type of cancer can be difficult to diagnose, treatment options are often quite advanced and effective.
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Because nasopharyngeal cancer can spread to other parts of the body, early diagnosis is vital to cure it. Symptoms of nasopharyngeal cancer include:
The early stage of nasopharyngeal cancer is known as carcinoma in situ. Stage II and IV are more advanced stages in which the tumor has spread to nearby structures or distant parts of the body. In most cases, people with this cancer will need follow-ups over the course of the disease to monitor the tumor's progress. Once diagnosed, the cancer can spread to other parts of the body and may cause more severe symptoms.
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If the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes, surgery is an option. The tumor will be surgically removed, along with some healthy tissue. However, it is rarely used because the tumor is located in such a difficult location that is often near cranial nerves and blood vessels. Surgery is usually performed to remove the cancerous nasopharynx or lymph nodes. In addition to the cancer, radiation therapy can cause dry mouth and other side effects.
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As these symptoms are often very similar to those of other conditions, nasopharyngeal cancer should be suspected at the earliest opportunity. However, treatment options will vary depending on the type of cancer. Treatment is often a combination of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. You should not ignore these symptoms. A doctor will also be able to make an accurate diagnosis. Symptoms of Nasopharyngeal Cancer include: